Plesk6 RedHat9 PHP4.2.2 Apache 2.0 und GD2-Problem

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Plesk6 RedHat9 PHP4.2.2 Apache 2.0 und GD2-Problem

Postby TheFreeman » 13. February 2004 10:34


Ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit meinem System (Plesk6 RedHat9 PHP4.2.2 Apache 2.0) die GD2-Library installieren kann.

Ich habe gehört, daß Apache 2 damit ein kleines Problem hat.

Kann ich ohne Probleme auf PHP 4.3.3 Updaten?
Oder gar den Apache Downgraden?

Oder gibts da nen patch dafür?

Vielen Dank schonmal. 8)
Ich hoffe, das ich es einmal verstehen werde.
Posts: 3
Joined: 13. February 2004 10:30

Postby TheFreeman » 13. February 2004 13:06

Ich habe das hier jetzt gemacht:

How do I get gd?
Gzipped Tar File (Unix)

How do I build gd?
In order to build gd, you must first unpack the archive you have downloaded. If you are not familiar with tar and gunzip (Unix) or ZIP (Windows), please consult with an experienced user of your system. Sorry, we cannot answer questions about basic Internet skills.

Unpacking the archive will produce a directory called "gd-2.0.8".

For Unix
cd to the 2.0.8 directory and type:

NOTE: BY DEFAULT, THE LIBRARY IS INSTALLED IN /usr/local/lib and the include files are installed in /usr/local/include. IF YOU ARE UPGRADING, you may wish to use:
./configure --prefix=/usr

Rather than just ./configure, before typing make and make install.
If all goes well, this will create a Makefile. If all does not go well -- for instance, if neither the the JPEG nor the PNG and ZLIB libraries are found -- you will need to install those libraries, then come back and run configure again.

If necessary, make changes to the resulting Makefile. Then, type "make". If there are no errors, follow this with "make install". Because gd 2.0 and above installs as a shared library, it is necessary to install the library properly before running gd-based programs.

If you get errors, type ./configure --help for more information about the available options. In the unlikely event that the GNU autoconf-produced configure script does not work well for you, you may wish to try, a simple Perl script with similar but less complete capabilities. If all else fails, try renaming makefile.sample to Makefile. However, ./configure is almost always your best bet.

Aber es funzt net.
Ist es damit noch nicht eingebunden?
Er kennt die Befehle der GD-Version 2.0.8 nicht! :(
Ich hoffe, das ich es einmal verstehen werde.
Posts: 3
Joined: 13. February 2004 10:30

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