[Tip] log relation - windows

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[Tip] log relation - windows

Postby tester » 25. November 2003 05:31

[Tip]log relation - windows

Code: Select all

# When from in 3 it wants # to remove it becomes before log where type.

# 1 The rotatelogs the dosage star log creation which it uses.
# TransferLog "|c:/xampp/apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/access.log 1M"

# 2 The rotatelogs the date star log creation which it uses.
# TransferLog "|c:/xampp/apache/bin/rotatelogs.exe logs/access.log 86400"

# 3 The date star log file creation which uses the Cronolog.
# TransferLog "|c:/xampp/apache/bin/cronolog.exe c:/xampp/apache/logs/access.%Y%m%d.log"


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