The log when it reduces and-will hang adds in the http.conf

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The log when it reduces and-will hang adds in the http.conf

Postby tester » 25. November 2003 05:22

[Tip]The log when it reduces and - will hang adds in the http.conf

Code: Select all

# General Access Log file creation.
CustomLog logs/access.log combined env=!not_log

# Customize behaviour based on the browser
<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
   BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
   BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
   BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
   BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
   BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0

# The WebZIP, the Teleport it scratches and closes a good season program and the set for.

   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebZIP" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Teleport" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "NamoWebEditor" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebTrack-HTTPP" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebSymmetrix" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "AD2000" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebSpy" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebStripper" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebSnatcher" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebGet" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "HSlide" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "WebCopier" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Microsoft URL Control" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Website eXtractor" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Internet Ninja" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "fortuna" go_out
   BrowserMatchNoCase "SuperHTTP" go_out

# The CodeRed log it does not leave.
   SetEnvIf Request_URI \.ida not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Referer \.ida not_log worm go_out

# The Nimda log it does not leave.
   SetEnvIf Request_URI cmd\.exe not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Referer cmd\.exe not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Request_URI root\.exe not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Referer root\.exe not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Request_URI admin\.dll not_log worm go_out
   SetEnvIf Referer admin\.dll not_log worm go_out

# The localhost at the time of connection one log it does not leave.
   SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "^$" not_log

# Image file java script file log it does not leave.
   SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(bmp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js|java)$" not_log

# Engine robot log it does not leave.
   BrowserMatchNoCase "ru-robot" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Slurp/si" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Mercator" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Gulliver" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "SyncIT/" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "FAST-WebCrawler" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Lycos_Spider" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "^ia_archive" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "^tv" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Scooter" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "ZyBorg/" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "KIT-Fireball" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "Googlebot/" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "DIIbot/" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "teoma_agent3" not_log a_robot
   BrowserMatchNoCase "empas_robot" not_log a_robot


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