Tomcat 5.5.2 - Servlets

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Tomcat 5.5.2 - Servlets

Postby amidamaru » 24. January 2007 00:03

Hallo miteinander

Nach endlosem Suchen im Netz und auch hier im Forum, hoffe ich nun auf diesen Beitrag Rat von euch zu erhalten.

Ich benutze den Tomcat 5.5.2 und erstelle meine Files mit EditPlus2.

Zu meinen Problemen:

unter http://localhost:8080/ ergebem alle Examples (JSP Examples, Servlet Examples, WebDAV capabilities) Fehlermeldungen (Bsp. für jsp-Example):

type Status report
message /jsp-examples/
description The requested resource (/jsp-examples/) is not available.

Kann mir jemand erklären, woher ich die Beispiele bekomme?

In der Schule haben wir diverse Servlets, JSP- und Beans-Files geschrieben. Die laufen da auch 1a. Leider ist die Schul-Installation total anders und hilft mir nicht weiter.
Wohin kommen die class-Files der Servlets, bzw die JSP's?
Hier mal meine Ordnerstruktur:

| tomcat.ico
| Uninstall.exe
| bootstrap.jar
| commons-logging-api.jar
| tomcat-juli.jar
| tomcat5.exe
| tomcat5w.exe
| +---classes
| +---endorsed
| +---i18n
| | tomcat-i18n-en.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-es.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-fr.jar
| | tomcat-i18n-ja.jar
| |
| \---lib
| commons-el.jar
| jasper-compiler-jdt.jar
| jasper-compiler.jar
| jasper-runtime.jar
| jsp-api.jar
| naming-factory-dbcp.jar
| naming-factory.jar
| naming-resources.jar
| servlet-api.jar
| | catalina.policy
| |
| | context.xml
| |
| | server-minimal.xml
| | server.xml
| | tomcat-users.xml
| | web.xml
| | web.xml.bak
| |
| \---Catalina
| \---localhost
| admin.xml
| host-manager.xml
| manager.xml
| projekt2.xml
| testprojekt.xml
| admin.2006-12-21.log
| admin.2007-01-22.log
| admin.2007-01-23.log
| catalina.2006-12-21.log
| catalina.2007-01-22.log
| catalina.2007-01-23.log
| host-manager.2006-12-21.log
| host-manager.2007-01-22.log
| host-manager.2007-01-23.log
| jakarta_service_20061221.log
| jakarta_service_20070122.log
| jakarta_service_20070123.log
| localhost.2006-12-21.log
| localhost.2007-01-22.log
| localhost.2007-01-23.log
| manager.2006-12-21.log
| manager.2007-01-22.log
| manager.2007-01-23.log
| stderr_20061221.log
| stderr_20070122.log
| stderr_20070123.log
| stdout_20061221.log
| stdout_20070122.log
| stdout_20070123.log
| +---classes
| +---lib
| | catalina-ant-jmx.jar
| | catalina-ant.jar
| | catalina-cluster.jar
| | catalina-optional.jar
| | catalina-storeconfig.jar
| | catalina.jar
| | commons-modeler.jar
| | servlets-cgi.renametojar
| | servlets-default.jar
| | servlets-invoker.jar
| | servlets-ssi.renametojar
| | servlets-webdav.jar
| | tomcat-ajp.jar
| | tomcat-apr.jar
| | tomcat-coyote.jar
| | tomcat-http.jar
| | tomcat-jkstatus-ant.jar
| | tomcat-util.jar
| |
| \---webapps
| +---admin
| | | admin.css
| | | admin.xml
| | | tree-control-test.css
| | |
| | +---connector
| | +---context
| | +---host
| | +---images
| | | BlueTile.gif
| | | Connector.gif
| | | Context.gif
| | | Datasource.gif
| | | DefaultContext.gif
| | | EnvironmentEntries.gif
| | | folder_16_pad.gif
| | | Groups.gif
| | | handledownlast.gif
| | | handledownmiddle.gif
| | | handlerightlast.gif
| | | handlerightmiddle.gif
| | | Host.gif
| | | linelastnode.gif
| | | linemiddlenode.gif
| | | linevertical.gif
| | | Logger.gif
| | | Login.jpg
| | | LoginBackgroundTile.gif
| | | Mailsession.gif
| | | PaperTexture.gif
| | | Realm.gif
| | | ResourceLink.gif
| | | Roles.gif
| | | Server.gif
| | | Service.gif
| | | Thumbs.db
| | | TomcatBanner.jpg
| | | Users.gif
| | | Valve.gif
| | |
| | +---realm
| | +---resources
| | +---server
| | +---service
| | +---users
| | +---valve
| | \---WEB-INF
| | | controls.tld
| | | struts-config.xml
| | | web.xml
| | |
| | \---lib
| | catalina-admin.jar
| | commons-beanutils.jar
| | commons-collections.jar
| | commons-digester-1.7.jar
| | struts.jar
| |
| +---host-manager
| | | host-manager.xml
| | | manager.xml
| | |
| | +---images
| | | add.gif
| | | asf-logo.gif
| | | code.gif
| | | design.gif
| | | docs.gif
| | | fix.gif
| | | tomcat.gif
| | | update.gif
| | | void.gif
| | |
| | \---WEB-INF
| | | web.xml
| | |
| | \---lib
| | catalina-host-manager.jar
| |
| \---manager
| | html-manager-howto.html
| | manager-howto.html
| | manager.xml
| | status.xsd
| | xform.xsl
| |
| +---images
| | add.gif
| | asf-logo.gif
| | code.gif
| | design.gif
| | docs.gif
| | fix.gif
| | tomcat.gif
| | update.gif
| | void.gif
| |
| \---WEB-INF
| | web.xml
| |
| \---lib
| catalina-manager.jar
| commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
| +---classes
| \---lib
| bugzilla37035-safeToDelete.tmp
| +---ROOT
| | | asf-logo-wide.gif
| | | favicon.ico
| | | helloWorld.jsp
| | | index.jsp
| | | tomcat-power.gif
| | | tomcat.gif
| | |
| | +---admin
| | | index.html
| | |
| | \---WEB-INF
| | | web.xml
| | |
| | \---lib
| | catalina-root.jar
| |
| \---tomcat-docs
| | apr.html
| | balancer-howto.html
| | build.xml
| | building.html
| | cgi-howto.html
| | changelog.html
| | class-loader-howto.html
| | cluster-howto.html
| | connectors.html
| | default-servlet.html
| | deployer-howto.html
| | developers.html
| | html-manager-howto.html
| | index.html
| | introduction.html
| | jasper-howto.html
| | jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html
| | jndi-resources-howto.html
| | logging.html
| | manager-howto.html
| | mbeans-descriptor-howto.html
| | monitoring.html
| | proxy-howto.html
| | realm-howto.html
| | security-manager-howto.html
| | setup.html
| | ssi-howto.html
| | ssl-howto.html
| | status.html
| | windows-service-howto.html
| |
| +---appdev
| | | build.xml.txt
| | | deployment.html
| | | index.html
| | | installation.html
| | | introduction.html
| | | processes.html
| | | source.html
| | | web.xml.txt
| | |
| | +---printer
| | | build.xml.txt
| | | deployment.html
| | | index.html
| | | installation.html
| | | introduction.html
| | | processes.html
| | | source.html
| | | web.xml.txt
| | |
| | \---sample
| | | build.xml
| | | index.html
| | | sample.war
| | |
| | +---docs
| | | README.txt
| | |
| | +---src
| | | \---mypackage
| | |
| | |
| | \---web
| | | hello.jsp
| | | index.html
| | |
| | +---images
| | | tomcat.gif
| | |
| | \---WEB-INF
| | web.xml
| |
| +---architecture
| | | index.html
| | | overview.html
| | | requestProcess.html
| | | startup.html
| | |
| | +---printer
| | | index.html
| | | overview.html
| | | requestProcess.html
| | | startup.html
| | |
| | +---requestProcess
| | | requestProcess.pdf
| | | roseModel.mdl
| | |
| | \---startup
| | serverStartup.pdf
| | serverStartup.txt
| |
| +---catalina
| | +---docs
| | | \---api
| | | index.html
| | |
| | \---funcspecs
| | | fs-admin-apps.html
| | | fs-admin-objects.html
| | | fs-admin-opers.html
| | | fs-default.html
| | | fs-invoker.html
| | | fs-jdbc-realm.html
| | | fs-jndi-realm.html
| | | fs-memory-realm.html
| | | index.html
| | | mbean-names.html
| | |
| | \---printer
| | fs-admin-apps.html
| | fs-admin-objects.html
| | fs-admin-opers.html
| | fs-default.html
| | fs-invoker.html
| | fs-jdbc-realm.html
| | fs-jndi-realm.html
| | fs-memory-realm.html
| | index.html
| | mbean-names.html
| |
| +---config
| | | ajp.html
| | | context.html
| | | engine.html
| | | globalresources.html
| | | host.html
| | | http.html
| | | index.html
| | | loader.html
| | | manager.html
| | | realm.html
| | | resources.html
| | | server.html
| | | service.html
| | | valve.html
| | |
| | \---printer
| | ajp.html
| | context.html
| | engine.html
| | globalresources.html
| | host.html
| | http.html
| | index.html
| | loader.html
| | manager.html
| | realm.html
| | resources.html
| | server.html
| | service.html
| | valve.html
| |
| +---images
| | add.gif
| | asf-logo.gif
| | code.gif
| | design.gif
| | docs.gif
| | fix.gif
| | printer.gif
| | tomcat.gif
| | update.gif
| | void.gif
| |
| +---jasper
| | \---docs
| | \---api
| | index.html
| |
| +---jspapi
| | | allclasses-frame.html
| | | allclasses-noframe.html
| | | constant-values.html
| | | deprecated-list.html
| | | help-doc.html
| | | index-all.html
| | | index.html
| | | overview-frame.html
| | | overview-summary.html
| | | overview-tree.html
| | | package-list
| | | packages.html
| | | serialized-form.html
| | | stylesheet.css
| | |
| | +---javax
| | | \---servlet
| | | \---jsp
| | | | ErrorData.html
| | | | HttpJspPage.html
| | | | JspContext.html
| | | | JspEngineInfo.html
| | | | JspException.html
| | | | JspFactory.html
| | | | JspPage.html
| | | | JspTagException.html
| | | | JspWriter.html
| | | | package-frame.html
| | | | package-summary.html
| | | | package-tree.html
| | | | package-use.html
| | | | PageContext.html
| | | | SkipPageException.html
| | | |
| | | +---class-use
| | | | ErrorData.html
| | | | HttpJspPage.html
| | | | JspContext.html
| | | | JspEngineInfo.html
| | | | JspException.html
| | | | JspFactory.html
| | | | JspPage.html
| | | | JspTagException.html
| | | | JspWriter.html
| | | | PageContext.html
| | | | SkipPageException.html
| | | |
| | | +---el
| | | | | ELException.html
| | | | | ELParseException.html
| | | | | Expression.html
| | | | | ExpressionEvaluator.html
| | | | | FunctionMapper.html
| | | | | package-frame.html
| | | | | package-summary.html
| | | | | package-tree.html
| | | | | package-use.html
| | | | | VariableResolver.html
| | | | |
| | | | \---class-use
| | | | ELException.html
| | | | ELParseException.html
| | | | Expression.html
| | | | ExpressionEvaluator.html
| | | | FunctionMapper.html
| | | | VariableResolver.html
| | | |
| | | \---tagext
| | | | BodyContent.html
| | | | BodyTag.html
| | | | BodyTagSupport.html
| | | | DynamicAttributes.html
| | | | FunctionInfo.html
| | | | IterationTag.html
| | | | JspFragment.html
| | | | JspTag.html
| | | | package-frame.html
| | | | package-summary.html
| | | | package-tree.html
| | | | package-use.html
| | | | PageData.html
| | | | SimpleTag.html
| | | | SimpleTagSupport.html
| | | | Tag.html
| | | | TagAdapter.html
| | | | TagAttributeInfo.html
| | | | TagData.html
| | | | TagExtraInfo.html
| | | | TagFileInfo.html
| | | | TagInfo.html
| | | | TagLibraryInfo.html
| | | | TagLibraryValidator.html
| | | | TagSupport.html
| | | | TagVariableInfo.html
| | | | TryCatchFinally.html
| | | | ValidationMessage.html
| | | | VariableInfo.html
| | | |
| | | +---class-use
| | | | BodyContent.html
| | | | BodyTag.html
| | | | BodyTagSupport.html
| | | | DynamicAttributes.html
| | | | FunctionInfo.html
| | | | IterationTag.html
| | | | JspFragment.html
| | | | JspTag.html
| | | | PageData.html
| | | | SimpleTag.html
| | | | SimpleTagSupport.html
| | | | Tag.html
| | | | TagAdapter.html
| | | | TagAttributeInfo.html
| | | | TagData.html
| | | | TagExtraInfo.html
| | | | TagFileInfo.html
| | | | TagInfo.html
| | | | TagLibraryInfo.html
| | | | TagLibraryValidator.html
| | | | TagSupport.html
| | | | TagVariableInfo.html
| | | | TryCatchFinally.html
| | | | ValidationMessage.html
| | | | VariableInfo.html
| | | |
| | | \---doc-files
| | | BodyTagProtocol.gif
| | | IterationTagProtocol.gif
| | | TagProtocol.gif
| | | VariableInfo-1.gif
| | |
| | \---resources
| | inherit.gif
| |
| +---printer
| | apr.html
| | balancer-howto.html
| | building.html
| | cgi-howto.html
| | changelog.html
| | class-loader-howto.html
| | cluster-howto.html
| | connectors.html
| | default-servlet.html
| | deployer-howto.html
| | developers.html
| | html-manager-howto.html
| | index.html
| | introduction.html
| | jasper-howto.html
| | jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html
| | jndi-resources-howto.html
| | logging.html
| | manager-howto.html
| | mbeans-descriptor-howto.html
| | monitoring.html
| | proxy-howto.html
| | realm-howto.html
| | security-manager-howto.html
| | setup.html
| | ssi-howto.html
| | ssl-howto.html
| | status.html
| | windows-service-howto.html
| |
| +---servletapi
| | | allclasses-frame.html
| | | allclasses-noframe.html
| | | constant-values.html
| | | deprecated-list.html
| | | help-doc.html
| | | index-all.html
| | | index.html
| | | overview-frame.html
| | | overview-summary.html
| | | overview-tree.html
| | | package-list
| | | packages.html
| | | serialized-form.html
| | | stylesheet.css
| | |
| | +---javax
| | | \---servlet
| | | | Filter.html
| | | | FilterChain.html
| | | | FilterConfig.html
| | | | GenericServlet.html
| | | | package-frame.html
| | | | package-summary.html
| | | | package-tree.html
| | | | package-use.html
| | | | RequestDispatcher.html
| | | | Servlet.html
| | | | ServletConfig.html
| | | | ServletContext.html
| | | | ServletContextAttributeEvent.html
| | | | ServletContextAttributeListener.html
| | | | ServletContextEvent.html
| | | | ServletContextListener.html
| | | | ServletException.html
| | | | ServletInputStream.html
| | | | ServletOutputStream.html
| | | | ServletRequest.html
| | | | ServletRequestAttributeEvent.html
| | | | ServletRequestAttributeListener.html
| | | | ServletRequestEvent.html
| | | | ServletRequestListener.html
| | | | ServletRequestWrapper.html
| | | | ServletResponse.html
| | | | ServletResponseWrapper.html
| | | | SingleThreadModel.html
| | | | UnavailableException.html
| | | |
| | | +---class-use
| | | | Filter.html
| | | | FilterChain.html
| | | | FilterConfig.html
| | | | GenericServlet.html
| | | | RequestDispatcher.html
| | | | Servlet.html
| | | | ServletConfig.html
| | | | ServletContext.html
| | | | ServletContextAttributeEvent.html
| | | | ServletContextAttributeListener.html
| | | | ServletContextEvent.html
| | | | ServletContextListener.html
| | | | ServletException.html
| | | | ServletInputStream.html
| | | | ServletOutputStream.html
| | | | ServletRequest.html
| | | | ServletRequestAttributeEvent.html
| | | | ServletRequestAttributeListener.html
| | | | ServletRequestEvent.html
| | | | ServletRequestListener.html
| | | | ServletRequestWrapper.html
| | | | ServletResponse.html
| | | | ServletResponseWrapper.html
| | | | SingleThreadModel.html
| | | | UnavailableException.html
| | | |
| | | \---http
| | | | Cookie.html
| | | | HttpServlet.html
| | | | HttpServletRequest.html
| | | | HttpServletRequestWrapper.html
| | | | HttpServletResponse.html
| | | | HttpServletResponseWrapper.html
| | | | HttpSession.html
| | | | HttpSessionActivationListener.html
| | | | HttpSessionAttributeListener.html
| | | | HttpSessionBindingEvent.html
| | | | HttpSessionBindingListener.html
| | | | HttpSessionContext.html
| | | | HttpSessionEvent.html
| | | | HttpSessionListener.html
| | | | HttpUtils.html
| | | | package-frame.html
| | | | package-summary.html
| | | | package-tree.html
| | | | package-use.html
| | | |
| | | \---class-use
| | | Cookie.html
| | | HttpServlet.html
| | | HttpServletRequest.html
| | | HttpServletRequestWrapper.html
| | | HttpServletResponse.html
| | | HttpServletResponseWrapper.html
| | | HttpSession.html
| | | HttpSessionActivationListener.html
| | | HttpSessionAttributeListener.html
| | | HttpSessionBindingEvent.html
| | | HttpSessionBindingListener.html
| | | HttpSessionContext.html
| | | HttpSessionEvent.html
| | | HttpSessionListener.html
| | | HttpUtils.html
| | |
| | \---resources
| | inherit.gif
| |
| \---WEB-INF
| web.xml
| tldCache.ser
| tldCache.ser
| tldCache.ser
| tldCache.ser
| tldCache.ser

Sorry, wohl etwas gross, aber so ist bestimmt alles dabei. Leider wird die Struktur im Posting nicht "sauber" dargestellt. Tut mir leid, ich hoffe, ihr könnt trotzdem etwas damit anfangen.
Weshalb gibt es keinen Ordner "servlets"? Den bräuchte ich doch, oder sehe ich das falsch?
Wo kommen nun also die Files hin?

Wie kann ich nun die Files über den Browser aufrufen? In der Schule ging das so:

Ich hoffe, alle relevanten Informationen angegeben zu haben.

Ich danke euch für Hilfe, bin echt bald am verzweifeln.

Gruss, amidamaru
Posts: 1
Joined: 23. January 2007 23:14

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