Ajuda Apache

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Ajuda Apache

Postby walter.pereira » 08. February 2024 17:52

Boa tarde,

Espero que todos estejam bem.

Peço desculpas se este não for o local adequado para a minha questão.

Atualmente, possuo um site que utiliza um certificado da Digicert. Este site está hospedado em um servidor Windows 2019 com IIS 10, onde o CSR foi gerado para a criação do certificado.

Estou em processo de migração do ambiente Windows para um servidor Linux com Apache2. Gostaria de saber se é possível utilizar o mesmo certificado que está no servidor Windows no ambiente Linux com Apache. Caso afirmativo, alguém poderia me orientar sobre como realizar essa transição?

Agradeço desde já pela ajuda.

I hope everyone is well.

I apologize if this is not the right place for my question.

I currently have a website that uses a Digicert certificate. This site is hosted on a Windows 2019 server with IIS 10, where the CSR was generated for the certificate creation.

I am in the process of migrating from Windows to a Linux server with Apache2. I would like to know if it is possible to use the same certificate that is on the Windows server in the Linux environment with Apache. If so, could someone guide me on how to make this transition?

I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
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Joined: 08. February 2024 17:30
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Operating System: Linux

Re: Ajuda Apache

Postby Nobbie » 10. February 2024 13:54

walter.pereira wrote:I would like to know if it is possible to use the same certificate that is on the Windows server in the Linux environment with Apache.


walter.pereira wrote:If so, could someone guide me on how to make this transition.

There is no "transition". Simply install the certificate. A certificate is a certificate, same for all Operating Systems. For Apache2 you need the *.csr file and the key *.key. Put them into your SSL folder and apply the folder values to the Apache configuration. There is an example in httpd-ssl.conf (if you use Xampp). Otherwise there are tons of tutorials how to install a certificate on Apache (either Linux, MacOS or Windows).
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Ajuda Apache

Postby walter.pereira » 12. February 2024 14:52

Agradeço pela ajuda. No entanto, gostaria de saber como posso exportar um certificado do Windows com IIS e transferi-lo para outro servidor com Linux e Apache."

"Thank you, but how do I export a certificate from Windows with IIS and transfer it to another server with Linux and Apache
Posts: 3
Joined: 08. February 2024 17:30
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Operating System: Linux

Re: Ajuda Apache

Postby Nobbie » 12. February 2024 23:38

Copy the files *.csr and *.key from Windows to Linux. If you dont know where to find these files, ask your administrator. These files are the certificate files which you get from your provider.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Ajuda Apache

Postby walter.pereira » 13. February 2024 18:03

Estes arquivos onde consigo pois so tenho o .pfx e o .cert
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Joined: 08. February 2024 17:30
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Re: Ajuda Apache

Postby Nobbie » 13. February 2024 22:25

Da musst Du einfach mal nach einem Converter googeln, so schwer ist das nicht.

Ich habe beispielsweise diese Seite gefunden, da steht wahrscheinlich alles drin, was Du suchst: https://www.interssl.com/de/ssl-tools-pfxconverter.php
Posts: 13274
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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