How to setup a virtual host in apache2 and redirect the url

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How to setup a virtual host in apache2 and redirect the url

Postby msn » 14. October 2017 20:37

Hi Experts,

I'm new to web applications, recently I've given a task to configure a new virtual host on one of our LAMP server(ubuntu 14.04). Frankly speaking I don't have any knowledge on this setup. Well I've given the purpose and few inputs which Ill share here.

Let us assume our client name is = XYZ Company

Currently our onshore team in singapore are support our client regional website for example "" on their own servers(not sure which OS it is)

And we have a server in our support of the same client which is hosting the global (U.K) site for our client and the website for example is ""

OK, now coming to actual part, the singapore team wants to redirect their website "" TO "". But when they are trying to redirect it was LANDING on "" i.e UK home page, but not as they expected to be landed as on ""

Finally they had a call with our THIRD party APPLICATION support team, and as per their suggestion, now they want us to configure a new VIRTUAL HOST in our LAMP server in which "" is hosted and also they have given the RedirectEngine on & Redirect policy from "" TO "". They said that the SINGAPORE web content will be on their own server and once we confirm them that we finished our configuration, then they will map our U.K server details to their internal/external dns.

Now all I need is your support to achieve this task? Appreciate if any one helps me in sharing me their knowledge.

Posts: 2
Joined: 14. October 2017 20:02
Operating System: ubuntu 14.04

Re: How to setup a virtual host in apache2 and redirect the

Postby msn » 15. October 2017 08:07

Hi Experts,

Please is there any one who can help me in this?

Posts: 2
Joined: 14. October 2017 20:02
Operating System: ubuntu 14.04

Re: How to setup a virtual host in apache2 and redirect the

Postby Nobbie » 15. October 2017 10:04

This forum is driven by very few freebies, giving support for the private people with no or small knowledge, which needs support for setting up their "playground" for web development. We CANNOT provide professional support for (more or less) large companys, which instead should get support by payed professionals.

Last not least, there are so many usefull tutorials, documentations, videos etc. out there in the internet, there should be no problem for an educated IT professional to follow any of these documentations and setup a virtualhost. Even the original apache documentation is full of handy examples. See
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