problem with apache proxy

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problem with apache proxy

Postby apacheP » 18. April 2012 08:50


i have apache proxy (Server version: Apache/2.2.20 (Ubuntu)) connected using ajp to my two tomcat app servers.
I'm using such configuration:

Code: Select all
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
 BalancerMember ajp://xxxxxx:8009 route=h1
 BalancerMember ajp://xxxxxx:8009 route=h2
 ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID

ProxyPass /balancer://mycluster !
ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster/

everything is fine - i can connect to my app servers through my proxy server, log in etc but i have a problem when:
1. i log to my system via proxy
2. open another tab in my browser
3. and i try to browse this same location in this second tab - when i do this i get apache tomcat context page of my app server not my web application site :evil: .

what should change? what is wrong?

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Joined: 17. April 2012 15:59
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