imap.ini not parsed as an additional .ini

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imap.ini not parsed as an additional .ini

Postby borki6 » 29. April 2010 15:08

Hi Folks,
I have a big problem and try to solve it since hours.

I work with a debian machine, PHP5, MySQL and Apache2. I wantet to install a groupware and on the install process this thing told me that IMAP is missing.
I looked in my packages and i've already installed 'php5-imap', 'php5-curl', and so on... then I was wondering about the .ini for the PHP, but it does exist:
Code: Select all
root@debian:/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d# ls -> curl.ini  gd.ini  imap.ini  ldap.ini  mcrypt.ini  mysqli.ini  mysql.ini  pdo.ini  pdo_mysql.ini  xcache.ini
root@debian:/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs# ls ->

In both php.ini (the other one in directory conf.d/) its working fine, I don't have to tell the paths for the extension, it's going automatically.
When I take a look in the error.log of apache2, he has no errors.
Then my brain startet to get crazy and i used 'phpinfo()' to look for the additional parsed .ini ... and then I realized, that its not in the list of phpinfo...
Code: Select all
additional .ini files parsed
   /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/curl.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/gd.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/mcrypt.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/mysql.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/mysqli.ini, /etc/php5     
       /apache2/conf.d/pdo.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/pdo_mysql.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/tidy.ini, /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/zarafa.ini

When I experience with the php.ini '' he's telling me in the error.log by warning that he was already loading it.
Code: Select all
PHP Warning:  Module 'imap' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Of course I reloaded the apache2 by 'restart', but nothing worked...
How can I get the IMAP working? How can I add the extension, and why is it loaded but not showing up in php.ini?

thanks a lot for helping,
greedings... borki from germany, hamburg

P.S. Ich spreche auch deutsch...!
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Joined: 29. April 2010 14:46

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