Apache RADIUS Modul und Reverse Proxy

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Apache RADIUS Modul und Reverse Proxy

Postby mnees » 19. August 2008 15:25


ich habe folgendes Problem.
Ich möchte gerne eine Webseite die ich auf meinem Apache per Reverse Proxy eingebunden habe per RADIUS absichern.
Reverse Proxy funktioniert. Webseiten die bei mir lokal liegen kann ich per RADIUS abfrage sichern. Leider werden aber die weitergeleiteten Seiten meines Reverse Proxies nicht per RADIUS abgefragt.

Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie ich das machen könnte ????

Hier meine Konfig:

ProxyPreserveHost On
SSLProxyEngine On

ProxyPass /owa
ProxyPassReverse /owa

ProxyPass /exchange
ProxyPassReverse /exchange

ProxyPass /Exchange
ProxyPassReverse /Exchange

ProxyPass /exchweb
ProxyPassReverse /exchweb

ProxyPass /public
ProxyPassReverse /public

ProxyPass /iisadmpwd
ProxyPassReverse /iisadmpwd

## This Loads mod_auth_xradius into Apache
LoadModule auth_xradius_module modules/mod_auth_xradius.so

## The Cache for mod_auth_xradius must be configured globally.
## If you do not want Authentication Caching, set:
# AuthXRadiusCache none -

## A Local DBM Based Cache (low performance)
AuthXRadiusCache dbm "conf/auth_xradius_cache"

## Only a Single memcached Server
# AuthXRadiusCache memcache ""
## Multiple memcached Servers
#AuthXRadiusCache memcached ""

## Time in Seconds that an entry will be cached.
AuthXRadiusCacheTimeout 300

<Directory "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/">
## All of the directives inside the <Directory> block can be placed
## inside '.htaccess' files.

## This is what the client sees in their Prompt.
AuthName "RADIUS SecOVID Authentication"

## Type of authentication to use.
AuthType basic

## Address and the Shared Secret of the RADIUS Server to contact.
AuthXRadiusAddServer "" "geheim"
## Multiple Servers can be added in the same context.
# AuthXRadiusAddServer "" "2secrets"
# AuthXRadiusAddServer "" "secret1"

## Time in Seconds to wait for replies from the RADIUS Servers
AuthXRadiusTimeout 7

## Number of times to resend a request to a server if no reply is received.
AuthXRadiusRetries 2

## This tells apache that we want a valid user and password.
require valid-user
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