Map fictional domain to localhost

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Map fictional domain to localhost

Postby Batch1211 » 04. May 2008 15:22

Hi everyone,

I'm using Mercury Mail along with XAMPP. I'm working on a component for Joomla right now.

For my testing environment I have set up a couple of fictional users with mercury email accounts. The goal is, when someone signs in, that he gets an email with the signup information. The problem is:

As long as my test users have email adresses like boris@localhost or steve@localhost I cannot set up proper email adress validation processes, because localhost is not a real domain name. I would therefore like to map a fictional domain name like "" to localhost. Then my test users could have an email like and set up real validatin processes.

I heard that something like this would be possible by editing httpd.conf of apache. However, I don't know how...

Any help would be appreciated.

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Joined: 04. May 2008 15:19

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