Mod_Auth_MySQL Passwort-Verschlüsslung

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Mod_Auth_MySQL Passwort-Verschlüsslung

Postby Hasar » 05. January 2004 15:49

Hi zusammen,

ich benutze Mod_Auth_MySQL und würde gerne meine Passwörter mir Hilfe von MySQL-PASSWORD() verschlüsselt in der Datenbank speichern. Jedoch weiß ich nicht wie die Option mit der man die Verschlüsslungsart festlegt heißt. Im Internet habe ich folgendes gefunden.

Code: Select all
Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types <type_list>

   Select which types of encryption to check, and in which order to
   check them.  It overrides the legacy Auth_MySQL_Scrambled_Passwords
   and Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords directives.  Multiple encryption
   types may be specified, to instruct the module to check each
   password in multiple encryption schemes - a useful feature for
   legacy transitions.  For example:

   Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types Plaintext Crypt_DES

   Would instruct the module to do a direct comparison of the entered
   password with the contents of the password field, and if that fails,
   to do a DES crypt() check, a la Unix password handling. 

   The available encryption types supported at this time are:
      Pretty self-explanatory.  Not recommended.
      Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call, using
      DES hashing.

      Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call, using
      an MD5 hash.
      Check the password via the standard Unix crypt() call,
      without preference for the hashing scheme employed.  This is
      the generally preferred means of checking crypt()ed
      passwords, because it allows you to use other schemes which
      may be available on your system, such as blowfish.
      Compares with an MD5 hash, encoded in the way that PHP and
      MySQL handle MD5 hashes - 32 character hex code, with
      lowercase letters.

      The hashing scheme used by the MySQL PASSWORD() function.
AuthMySQL_Encryption_Types <type_list>
   Synonym for Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types.

Doch wenn ich die Zeile
Code: Select all
Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types MySQL
einfüge kennt Apache den Befehl nicht und bringt diese Fehlermeldung perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration.
Kennt jemand eine Lösung oder hatt jemand eine Passwort-Verschlüsselung hinbekommen.

Posts: 2
Joined: 05. January 2004 15:11

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