this is in english...

Irgendwelche Probleme mit XAMPP für Windows? Dann ist hier genau der richtige Ort um nachzufragen.

this is in english...

Postby Raven » 14. September 2003 16:06

ok i downloaded Xampp and i unpacked into my C: folder. Now i ran the "setup_setup.bat" and then it said to click on the "apache_start.bat". Now when i clicked on it it gave me this error

Apache 2 is starting ...
[sun sep 14 09:25:10: 2003] [crit] (OS 10037)Socket operation on non-socket: make_sock: for address, apr_socket_opt_set: (SO_KEEPALIVE)
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

and i followed all of the steps it said to do:

Step 1: Unpack the package into a directory of your choice.

Step 2: Please start "setup_xampp.bat". Enter the number 1 to
beginning the installation with MOD_PERL. Without MOD_PERL use
number2. MOD_PERL in this Configuration delaying START and STOP
of the Apache Server. Note: xampp makes no entries in the windows
registry and no settings for the system variables etc.

Step 3: If installation ends successfully, start the Apache 2 with
"apache_start".bat", MySQL with "mysql_start".bat". Stop the MySQL
Server with "mysql_stop.bat". For shutdown the Apache HTTPD, only
close the Apache Command (CMD)

i completed both steps 1 and 2 but when i get to the 3rd step it gives me that error, if there is a way to fix this please HELP!

I have Microsoft Windows ME to let you know.
or if i have to download something else please link me there for this to work.
Posts: 2
Joined: 14. September 2003 15:53
Location: MAss

Postby Wally » 14. September 2003 17:35


check your host File in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

If you have made modification in this file it is possible that this error will occur. It happen to my Apache installation,too.

Make sure that you dont route to IP Adresses twice or that the standart entry localhost

is familar to your host file.

Hope that helps.


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