How to install Magento and XAMPP on SSD with separate HDD fo

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How to install Magento and XAMPP on SSD with separate HDD fo

Postby snowfun87 » 28. July 2017 15:37

How to install Magento and XAMPP on SSD with separate HDD for all data
This is my first time posting a question as I am very new to Magento.

I have been designing websites for a while, but mostly via Dreamweaver and a couple of WordPress themes a while ago. It is extremely important that I get up and running with Magento Community Edition as I need to focus on eCommerce in the future.

My problem is that I have not found a “complete” tutorial that addresses my situation and installing Magento has not worked properly.

Here is my problem:

I am working on a Windows 10 PC with an SSD for my operating system and all programs, and a second hard drive for all data. I’m using Xampp to run Magento on my local machine which is also on the SSD C: drive.

How do I Install Magento and Xampp on my SSD and have my Database for Magento on my larger HDD data drive?

Please note previously viewed tutorials do NOT address installing Magento and Xammp on a separate SSD with all data on a separate HDD or at least I could not find one.

You help is greatly needed and appreciated.
Posts: 1
Joined: 28. July 2017 15:33
XAMPP version: 7.1.7
Operating System: win 10

Re: How to install Magento and XAMPP on SSD with separate HD

Postby Nobbie » 28. July 2017 21:06

Kopiere den kompletten data Ordner von Mysql auf die HDD und setze dann in my.ini den Wert von datadir auf den neuen Ordner der HDD. Danach Mysql neu starten.

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