When comes LAMPP-1.0

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When comes LAMPP-1.0

Postby Reputer » 17. April 2003 17:05

I was asking myself when comes LAMPP-1.0 :lol:
Coase im very curious what wil be in it:

-Webmin :?:
-Usermin :?:
-Integrated in redhat 9 :?:

Curious Reputer says Thanks :!:

Re: When comes LAMPP-1.0

Postby Guest » 18. April 2003 11:18

Reputer wrote:I was asking myself when comes LAMPP-1.0

Since version 0.9.4 LAMPP uses no longer any development version of PHP and I put LAMPP into the state »stable«. LAMPP's version still starts with zero because I will only release a version 1.0 if LAMPP runs stable for many month. At the moment LAMPP runs very stable since the very first version.

Coase im very curious what wil be in it:

-Webmin :?:
-Usermin :?:
-Integrated in redhat 9 :?:

You are right - the english version of the LAMPP page has not been updated yet. But on the german one you will find an alpha-release of a webmin addOn. It's as easy to install as LAMPP itself and runs smoothly on my machine.



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