Problems with logging in on XAMPP

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Problems with logging in on XAMPP

Postby ProZacX » 09. March 2003 22:17

When i try to log in on XAMPP, the admin-area on my LAMPP-server, it won't accept my password/username. I've runned the "lampp security" and i've set a password.
Why can't I log in?
Im using the newest LAMPP version on a ClarkConnect box that is build on RedHat 7.3!

Please help me!
Posts: 4
Joined: 09. March 2003 22:14

Postby Oswald » 09. March 2003 22:31

Hi ProZacX!

Did you use as user name "lampp"?

If if it's still not working please try the following command:

chmod a+r /opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/.htaccess /opt/lampp/lib/xampp.users

And try again.

Does it work now?

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Postby ProZacX » 10. March 2003 19:17

Hehe thank you, I didn't know that was the username, maby I didn't read the manual fully.
But thanks again!
Posts: 4
Joined: 09. March 2003 22:14

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