Xampp on linux, add odbc and mssql support, how?

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Xampp on linux, add odbc and mssql support, how?

Postby russellhoff » 16. May 2011 12:08

Hey guys!

I have latest Xampp version installed on my Ubuntu 11.04 OS. I need, now, to be installed the odbc and mssql support. I know I can do it building php adding some features with "--with-", but in this way I am installing another PHP.

My question is if is there any way to build php with odbc and mssql support, and then install it rewriting the older php set up on Xampp..

I wish you have understood me ;).

(I'm doing a project in which now I have to connect an especial DB: Insql, which consists of Microsoft SQL Server 7).

Help friends, I have little time to finish the project ^^.

Thank you all !
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