Error code ERR_03039=the given requestID is not an integer

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Error code ERR_03039=the given requestID is not an integer

Postby Neutronboy » 12. February 2014 01:46

So my question is about querying an LDAP server running on localhost and default setup (IP, Auth., etc.). The setup is as follows:
I am using a SOAPUI to query an LDAP running in Eclipse as a plugin. I have a Java code that does the parsing/conversion from leif to XML via the DSMLv2 engine. Everything work fine when I use the XML code:

Code: Select all
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:urn="urn:gov:hhs:onc:hpdplus:2013" xmlns:urn1="urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core">
      <urn:hpdPlusRequest directoryID="123" requestID="1234">
         <urn:batchRequest requestID="1234" >
         <urn:searchRequest dn="ou=Memberships,,dc=hpd" scope="wholeSubtree" derefAliases="neverDerefAliases" sizeLimit="100">
               <urn:equalityMatch name="hpdHasAProvider">
              <urn:attribute name="hpdHasAnOrg" />

Note the use of INTEGER used as the requestID

But what if I wanted to change the requestID to a String, like:
<urn:batchRequest requestID="vz1234" >

When I do this, I get the Error code 03039: the given requestID is not an integer.

Question: Does the requestID always have to be an integer. I was not aware of this as a needed attribute ?
Any insight or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.

Many thanks in advance - I can get more specific if need be as to the entire setup in the Java code, but after much search, I find that it is not the Java code that is the issue, but rather an LDAP issue and/or parsing issue.


Posts: 2
Joined: 12. February 2014 01:35
Operating System: OS X 10.9

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