Set DocumentRoot to shared network drive (smb)

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Set DocumentRoot to shared network drive (smb)

Postby erikbraun » 26. July 2011 18:31

Dear ApacheFriends,

i want to set my Apache DocumentRoot to work on a smb directory that is shared in my network. I've got two big LAN HDDs and I want to install a /httpdocs directory on one of them. This way I can access the shared /httpdocs folder via network from any Computer wheras the Mac that runs Apache won't need any hard disk space for the webpages. However, I've encountered problems for both HDDs:

HDD1 (Windows shared HDD / NTFS), permanetly mounted as /Volumes/HDD
Setting DocumentRoot and Directive to "/Volumes/HDD" results in 403 Error
chown and chmod on this directory to set user / access to _www / 775 is ignored
I tried to fuddle around with "SymLinks", but I'm more a Windows user, so i might to be too stupid for this solution

HDD2 (Apple TimeCapsule), permanetly mounted as /Volumes/Data
Setting DocumentRoot and Directive to "/Volumes/HDD" also results in 403 Error
chown and chmod on this directory to set user / access to _www / 775 is ignored
Changing TimeCapsule from "timecapsule password authentification" to "account authentification" to create a "_www" account does not work either, because timecapsule *must* have a password for user-accounts - but Apache's "_www"-Account has none...

If someone has a solution for me, that'd be very great!

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 26. July 2011 18:13

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