Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip

Postby reel_codes » 22. July 2022 08:47

Dang, finally....

Look, I'll be frank, that was a lot!

If you just devoted hours attempting to find a solution only to find yourself stuck on the same problem after finding that someone else's Mac solution isn't yours, then I feel you.

Moreover, by now you might have a chip on your shoulder regarding XAMPP, and you might be tempted to trade in XAMPP for MAMP, but whoa slow your roll champ. Here's a tip: it's the chip.

Some said that the Xampp ~~is not compatible ~~ with the M1 chip, but that's false.

Here are the steps to downloading XAMPP version 8.1.2 for Mac OS X:

1.Go to
2.In the nav-bar choose download
3.Scroll down to the XAMPP for OS X section the More Downloads link
5.then click the XAMPP Mac OS X
6.then choose one of the two versions that are compatible with the M1 chip: version 7.4.27 and version 8.1.2 (I can only vouch for the version I downloaded, such as 8.1.2.) xampp-osx-8.1.2-0-installer.dmg
8.After downloading, click the start all servers button
9.If Mysql Database server stopped and is not running, run these two commands in the terminal

sudo killall mysqld

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start

10.then open your browser and type localhost in the address bar and press enter.

11. If you see "Welcome to Xampp for OS X 8.1.2" then the installation was successful.
-Locate and open Xampp in your finder folder.
-Locate and double click htdocs.
-create a new project folder in htdocs. Name the folder. For example, testing.

12. Drag that folder into your IDE or VSC or the alike and get to work.

13.To deploy it locally, open your browser,and concatenate localhost/+the name of your project folder. For example, localhost/testing.

14. Please do congratulate yourself, you did a good job!
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. July 2022 05:28
XAMPP version: 8.1.2
Operating System: Mac OS X

Re: Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip

Postby php noobie » 02. January 2023 11:01

Hi there, may I know which IDE you use?

I tried using VSCode, I keep getting this error: php.validate.executablePath, after installing XAMPP.
The website reloads fine, but extensions do not work on VSC.

Tried "where php" and "which php", but they all show "php not found"
Also tried "whereis php", but it's just blank

Wondering if you use VSC as welll, and if so what did you put into the executable path. cheers :)
php noobie
Posts: 1
Joined: 02. January 2023 10:56
XAMPP version: 8.2
Operating System: MacOS Ventura 13.0.1

Re: Downloading XAMPP on MAC OS X with M1 chip

Postby JDLH » 04. January 2023 01:01

reel_codes wrote:[color=#FF0000]
…Some said that the Xampp ~~is not compatible ~~ with the M1 chip, but that's false.…

And some might say that if you use the singular when discussing XAMPP and mac, that you might be overlooking that there are two forms of XAMPP for macOS. They are the native installer, and the virtual machine installer. Read about them at the XAMPP for OS X FAQ, and the XAMPP for OS X (VM) FAQ.

When discussing XAMPP and mac, it is important to be clear which form of XAMPP and what kind of mac CPU (architecture) one is talking about, from my experience reading recent posts in this forum..
Posts: 23
Joined: 11. September 2022 02:27
XAMPP version: 7.4
Operating System: macOS 12.6

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