Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

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Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby sotonj » 17. March 2020 00:28

First of all, I am new in programing, I grateful for your help.

when I try to connect from Netbeans with mysql using XAMPP-VM , the system give me this error:

Communications link failure
The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

This are my lines of code from Netbeans (java) for connection:


Connection cn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:8080/bd_ins","root","");

}catch (SQLException e){



My operating System is OS X Capitan
In Netbeans I am using this driver: mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar

XAMPP-VM is working right because all services are on: Apache, MySql. When I put: http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/ in the browser, this works

Thanks for your help, I am stuck since 4 days
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Joined: 17. March 2020 00:05
XAMPP version: VM
Operating System: OS X Capitan

Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby Nobbie » 18. March 2020 10:02

The Port is wrong in the connection, 8080 is for http and not for Mysql. Apply 3306 instead of 8080.
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Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby sotonj » 18. March 2020 23:02

Thanks for your answer, I changed the port and changed localhost for my IP and it didn´t work. Then, I searched the file my.cnf and edit the section : [mysqld],

I added this:


and it works

Thank you so much for your help,
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Joined: 17. March 2020 00:05
XAMPP version: VM
Operating System: OS X Capitan

Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby » 04. February 2021 13:58

I Thanks for the advice.
I tried it but it didn’t work.

The previous “non-vm” XAMPP worked wonders with NetBeans and Chrome (I used it for years) but XAMPP-VM just doesn’t.

When hitting the “RUN” icon I just get the “local host doesn’t allow connection" and the path in the navigation path is wrong:
I get http://localhost/MY_DB/index.php
when it should be:http://localhost:8080/Project1/MY_DB/index.php

What the hell did I do wrong as the project creation was OK.
Any help will be appreciated.

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Joined: 04. February 2021 13:37
XAMPP version: xampp-vm
Operating System: MAC OS CATALINA 10.15.7

Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby Altrea » 04. February 2021 15:00 wrote:The previous “non-vm” XAMPP worked wonders with NetBeans and Chrome (I used it for years) but XAMPP-VM just doesn’t.

So why don't you install the installer version instead?
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Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby » 05. February 2021 09:13

I did’nt know there was one.
Can you give me more details, eg: where to get it.
I reckon somedoc will be available with the product.
Many thanks
I appreciate your help
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Joined: 04. February 2021 13:37
XAMPP version: xampp-vm
Operating System: MAC OS CATALINA 10.15.7

Re: Connect Netbeans to XAMPP-VM mysql

Postby Altrea » 05. February 2021 09:38

At the download page:

There are big files (~360Mb). These are the VM versions.
And there are small files (@160Mb). These are the Installer versions.
You can distinguish them by their file name too. The vm versions contain vm in the filename, the installer versions contain installer in their filename.
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