Daemon user and ftp

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Daemon user and ftp

Postby MarcoC » 22. May 2020 11:14

To use Wordpress I had had to install Xampp 7.4.6 on my iMac (late 2013) with macOS Mojave 10.14.6.

Unfortunately nothing is running good.

In htdocs I create my folder and in it I installed my Wordpress site. But now I have to delete all the Wordpress files and folders and I can’t do it because of Daemon user!

All the sub folder of my directory are owned by daemon and my user can only read, and it is impossible change the user, neither with terminal

When I discovered that the user to use with ftp in Xampp is "daemon" I thought I had solved: I connect via ftp to that folder and then, via ftp, I should delete it… but my ftp apps (Viper FTP lite and FE File Explorer) cannot connect.

I use this parameter:
host: 1or "localhost" or "ip address displayed in Xampp "General"
port: 80 (or 8080, I tried both) (i.e. the port enable in "network"
ftp protocol: plain ftp
Charset unicode (UTF-()
Transfer Monde: active
User Name: daemon
password: lampp

(I found user and pw in XAMPP-VM Faqs)

… I don’t know… why nothing is working! With my previously Xampp version, I installed five years ago, all was simplest: I found Xampp files and folders in App folder, and I had all the right to create and to delete

ideas to delete the folders or to connect with ftp?
Posts: 2
Joined: 22. May 2020 11:11
XAMPP version: 7.4.6
Operating System: macOS

Re: Daemon user and ftp

Postby Nobbie » 22. May 2020 11:49

All the problems are due to the VM. VMs filesystems are mounted as netdrives, because of that you cannot change file permissions in that drive AFTER mounting it. You have to assign the rights already with the mount command.

Due to the many problems of the VM version, i do not recommend using it. Fortunately, you can download a non-VM version (a standard version) from Xampp, which simply installs into your file system (i.e. /Applications/Xampp/.... etc.). There you have full access to all files and can modify all files and the file rights. Bitnami does not mark the VM and non-VM versions anymore (they did earlier, there has been a "VM" in the name of the installer), but you can still see, which of installer images are VMs and which are not VMs: the non-VM version is approx. only have the file size of the VM version (150Mb vs. 300Mb - approx.). There are 3 VMs and 3 non-VMs on https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html, the first three should be non-VM.
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: Daemon user and ftp

Postby MarcoC » 25. May 2020 09:36

Thanks Nobbie, I’ll try your solution.

But using a not vm version will solve my problems for the future… but not for past!

I’ll continue to have a folder that I cannot delete.

I have already tried to uninstall Xampp, but when I reinstalled it I had found that folder there, where I had leave it!

So: will I continue to have a folder that I cannot delete, invisible (after Xampp uninstallation), but on my hdd?
Really, is there any way to erase it?
It is a 108MB folder, not a lot, but I’d prefer not have rubbish on my hdd…

Posts: 2
Joined: 22. May 2020 11:11
XAMPP version: 7.4.6
Operating System: macOS

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