proFTPD + FileZilla setup driving nuts! 530 Login incorrec

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

proFTPD + FileZilla setup driving nuts! 530 Login incorrec

Postby forwox » 05. August 2019 13:02

System: macOS Mojave 10.14.5
XAMPP: 7.3.7-1


Have set up the XAMPP, Filezilla and Manager-OSX added to exceptions in Firewall and firewall disabled.
Tried following tutorial of ("http://localhost/dashboard/docs/transfer-files-ftp.html"), creating ftp user group and adding my user account (Rolands/Admin, which is under group "stuff" viewing via Users and Groups Advanced Options) setting permissions and owners of folder via chown and chmod 775, no success.
Picture below.

I am not able to get it working, yet FTP option would be very handy. Hate the macs permissions frustrating system. Really don't have days of time to bug around this.

Posts: 2
Joined: 05. August 2019 10:43
XAMPP version: 7.3.7-1
Operating System: macOS Mojave 10.14.5

Re: proFTPD + FileZilla setup driving nuts! 530 Login incorr

Postby Nobbie » 05. August 2019 20:11

There is somewhere an option whether FTP uses your system accounts, or any "private" accounts within proFTP. Maybe you struggle with that option.

forwox wrote:Really don't have days of time to bug around this.

So you're looking for highly paid professional support?
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Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

Re: proFTPD + FileZilla setup driving nuts! 530 Login incorr

Postby forwox » 10. August 2019 19:14

Yes, you were right. After digging for a day and reading proFTP documentation the issue was that proftpd.conf lacked few lines for "private", anonymous in my case account to use it locally.
For the future, if anybody stumbles upon this problem and finds this topic via search engine:

in proftpd.conf file add lines (your user should be in the "ftp" user group, created before):

Code: Select all
<Anonymous ~"user account of MacOS you are trying to log in from">

 User "the user about I wrote above"
 Group "see the group of that user in settings>users&groups>right click on the user you are logged in> advanced options>Group:"
 UserAlias ftp "the user about I wrote above"
 UserAlias anonymous ""the user about I wrote above"
 AnonRequirePassword off
 RequireValidShell off

Logging in will not be safe due to not required password. I tinkered with AnnonRequirePassword on, but could not sort it out yet to work with the defined password.
Nobbie wrote:So you're looking for highly paid professional support?

I make no money with that, so I am not quite able to. And we all are learners. I was in hurry, sorry.
Posts: 2
Joined: 05. August 2019 10:43
XAMPP version: 7.3.7-1
Operating System: macOS Mojave 10.14.5

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