So this XAMPP for mac is completely different...

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

So this XAMPP for mac is completely different...

Postby karlkras » 03. November 2017 02:06

I got the Windows 32bit xampp configured and working on my Windows system and thought since MAMP pretty much blew chunks on my initial attempt to get an amp package working on my Mac, that I'd give XAMPP a try on my Mac thinking that it would have to be fairly similar to the its Windows brethren.

i'm wrong... where are the php extensions? The provided php.ini (in the /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc directory?) appears to be the Windows version with all the extensions (dlls) commented out and I see no extension binaries provided in this distribution. I must be missing something very fundamental here.

Where do I get the equivalent osx extensions that I'm using in my windows install (too many to list here):

How do I go about getting this configured? The OSX Manager provides very little support in comparison to that of the Windows version, would have thought that would have been the other way around.
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Operating System: Windows 10

Re: So this XAMPP for mac is completely different...

Postby Nobbie » 05. November 2017 19:07

As far as i know, the "extensions" arent extensions in Xampps PHP, as all of them (or at least most of them) simply are compiled in and statically loaded therefore.
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