xampp 5.6.28 confuses the hack of me!

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

xampp 5.6.28 confuses the hack of me!

Postby rich8899 » 03. December 2016 18:34

Hi, I just updated my Xampp for Mac from 1.7.3 to 5.6.28 all because one of my site requires php 5.4 or higher. Now what I dislike about Xampp is that on almost each update, it changes the UI, It was nice that in 1.7.3 there was already a link to click on to get to phpMyAdmin quickly, that page with the link is gone! :( and what happened to Webalizer? :( Also, in 1.7.3, there was a nice XAMPP Control.app, I can have it set to restart Apache and mySQl at boot up. That is gone! :( However, in 5.6 It seems like Xampp starts itself by default, am I right? Now how do I reset the password and user in for phpMyAdmin and MySql, (well I guess it uses MariaDB now) ? I have all DBs from my 1.7.3 installation exported to .sql files, can I simply import them into MariaDB? How about all mySQL commands, are they all competitable with MariaDB? Phew! A lot of questions :) Thank you for your help in advance.
Posts: 4
Joined: 02. December 2016 17:38
XAMPP version: 1.7.3
Operating System: macOS

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