Restart XAMPP from terminal?

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Restart XAMPP from terminal?

Postby behnampmdg3 » 13. March 2014 01:39


How can I restart XAMPP from terminal?

What is the command?



Please give me the link in manual. I can't find it in the new website.
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Operating System: Mac Os 10.6

Re: Restart XAMPP from terminal?

Postby Nobbie » 13. March 2014 11:49

behnampmdg3 wrote:Please give me the link in manual. I can't find it in the new website.

There is no manual.... :(

I dont know the OSX Version, but i think it is (or was) similar to the Linux version. In Linux there is a shell script called "lampp" in the lampp folder (which is /opt/lampp on linux). I think, that the folder for Xampp is quite different for OSX as for Linux, I have seen something like /Applications/....

Anyway, if you are lucky there will be the "lampp" shell script as well (maybe it is called "xampp" instead, i dont know).

On Linux you still can start the whole thing via:

Code: Select all
sudo ./lampp start


Code: Select all
sudo ./lampp restart

and stop it via

Code: Select all
sudo ./lampp stop

As far as I know, there are more options to start only one tool, for example:

Code: Select all
sudo ./lampp apache start

but I am not sure about that and the syntax. Maybe there is an --help option or similar.

Anyway, if there is no such script, remind that Xampp is only a distribution of Apache and MySQL (including PHP Support etc.). These are quite normal standalone products you also may start them by simply starting them directly in a terminal. There *should* by a "mysqld" program somewhere in your Xampp distribution, this is the MySQL Daemon and you may of course start this manually in a terminal. Probably via sudo (as it needs sufficient rights) and there are many options that can be given on the commandline.

Same for Apache, there should be a program "apache" or "apache2" or "httpd", these are the known names for the Apache Webserver Program. You may start this as well directly from the terminal. I cannot tell you where to find these programs on OSX, but you can run a search on the Xampp folder.
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Re: Restart XAMPP from terminal?

Postby DnvrSysEngr » 14. March 2014 03:59

Here are the command line options for XAMPP (be sure to launch using SUDO). Also, Nobbie, might I request that you try to ditch the "Holier than thou" attitude in the future and refrain from using such a snide, cruel, condescending attitude when answering peoples questions. This is a friendly place for users of all levels (from the absolute beginner to the most advanced of users) to asks questions with the hopes of getting the answer they are looking for. We were all beginners at one point in our lives.

In Terminal, launch the following command:

sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp

Usage: xampp <action>

start Start XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
startapache Start only Apache
startmysql Start only MySQL
startftp Start only ProFTPD

stop Stop XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
stopapache Stop only Apache
stopmysql Stop only MySQL
stopftp Stop only ProFTPD

reload Reload XAMPP (Apache, MySQL and eventually others)
reloadapache Reload only Apache
reloadmysql Reload only MySQL
reloadftp Reload only ProFTPD

restart Stop and start XAMPP
security Check XAMPP's security

enablessl Enable SSL support for Apache
disablessl Disable SSL support for Apache

backup Make backup file of your XAMPP config, log and data files

oci8 Enable the oci8 extenssion

fix_rights Resets file permissions.
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Operating System: Mac OSX 10.9.2

Re: Restart XAMPP from terminal?

Postby Nobbie » 14. March 2014 12:48

DnvrSysEngr wrote:Here are the command line options for XAMPP (be sure to launch using SUDO). Also, Nobbie, might I request that you try to ditch the "Holier than thou" attitude in the future and refrain from using such a snide, cruel, condescending attitude when answering peoples questions.


What is wrong with my totally normal answer? If you got it wrong, it is your fault not mine, i simply answered the question without any attitude. Is this the way you enter a german(!) board which is driven by german members and we do the best to answer in english?!

If there is a problem with my english (which is not perfect, i never claimed it), i simply should answer in german instead, will you understand german? What is wrong with you?

Und das können wir auch gleich mal ausprobieren, bist Du ernsthaft der Meinung man könne als Neuling einfach in einen Forum stolpern, dort auf dicke Hose machen und die einzigen Leute anpampen, die überhaupt sinnvolle Antworten geben? Vor allem verstehe ich nicht einmal den Zusammenhang, das ist hier eine stinknormale Antwort auf einen Sachverhalt, wo ich so gut wie möglich geholfen habe (dafür bekomme ich kein Geld und das ist auch nicht mein Forum, ich bin hier kein Betrieber und gar nichts). Vielleicht überdenkst Du mal Deine vorlaute Attacke, damit tust Du nämlich exakt selbst das, was Du hier (für Dritte nicht nachvollziehbar) vom Stapel läßt.

So und darfst Du Dich mal mit Google oder so herumquälen und schauen, was Du von dem ganzen Krempel verstanden hast. Damit Du schätzen lernst was bedeutet, wenn man in einem deutschen Forum dennoch auf Englisch angesprochen wird.
Posts: 13221
Joined: 09. March 2008 13:04

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