Any Help Greatly Appricated....

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Any Help Greatly Appricated....

Postby tparis0022 » 26. November 2010 04:45


I think I have found myself well out of my depth but still keen to push on and learn something new. I have a website, which I am trying to create a secure members section which I need to create a Registration page to meet the needs of submitting information like the basic details of Name, Date of Birth, E-Mail Address, Home Address, Telephone Number. I also need a facility of a User Name and Password access function. From my understanding XAMPP allows me to do this. However, majorly confused on what the first basic steps are, nothing I find on the internet makes any sense what so ever.

What I have done so far is:
I am on the localhost page and a status tab says MySQL database, PHP, Perl, Common Gateway Interface(CGI) and Server Side Includes (SSI) is all activated..
I click on security and:
My XAMPP pages are accessible by network for everyone - Unsecure
MySQL is accessible by the network - Unsecure
The phpMyAdmin user pma has no password - Unsecure
The MySQL user root has no password - Unsecure
The FTP password for user nobody is no langer 'xampp' - Secure

Now the bit underneath talking about fixing and closing these matter - simple call:
/Application/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp security
I typed /Application/XAMPP/xamppfiles/xampp into Terminal followed by the command security, It says on XAMPP it will start an interactive program... Ermm no it didn't? It just brought up lots more security commands..

Could some please please please please e my guardian angel and give me simple and understandable step by step instructions to creating what I need for my website? Or point me to a website that has clear and easy to understand step-by-step instructions.. I'm starting to go bald!!! :cry:

Thank you ever so much for any help given. All is extremely appreciated.
Posts: 1
Joined: 26. November 2010 04:28

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