PHP/Apache on MacOS using XAMPP

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

PHP/Apache on MacOS using XAMPP

Postby atmaximos » 25. March 2010 02:37

I downloaded XAMPP postponing my install until I get some clarifications to make sure I don't get into trouble. OSX Leopard and Snow come with PHP and Apache but not with MySQL. Apple intentionally left out MySQL (httpd) in the mix. However, the PHP version apple has is a streamlined version without the GD support.

I created an old mac become a new mac mini by upgarding all its hardware to 2.33ghz/2GB DDR2 / 500GB Hard drive. Now, I can have a very very quiet headless server without having to buy a new one.

Installing XAMPP, the questions are:

1. Will XAMPP delete or overwrite the existing; PHP and Apache with the new XAMPP versions?
If not, what will XAMPP do with it. I dont want to have any conflicts.
2. Is XAMPP compatible with Virtualization VirtualBox. If it is, which ones I need to install first, VirtualBox first before XAMPP? I had a previous experience that if I install VirtualBox last, MySQL can not be started. Its just stopped forever.

Hopefully, someone has some answers for me. Thank you.
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Re: PHP/Apache on MacOS using XAMPP

Postby MegaChriz » 25. March 2010 21:18

1. XAMPP will not overwrite PHP and Apache that came with Mac OS X. When you install a new XAMPP version it will overwrite the old XAMPP version (if you haven't moved or renamed the XAMPP-folder from the old XAMPP version).
2. I've tried VirtualBox while XAMPP was running. XAMPP was installed first and after installing VirtualBox MySQL still worked. What didn't work in VirtualBox was accessing the XAMPP page using the .local address. It only worked with an IP-address. In VMware Fusion (which I had also tried) the .local address did work. (For me it is more practical that the .local address works, because my MacBook comes in different networks, so it hasn't a stable IP-address.)
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Re: PHP/Apache on MacOS using XAMPP

Postby atmaximos » 29. March 2010 04:12

Why dont you try add to your host file this one. NameOfYour.localHostHere
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