Xampp apache trying to load wrong .config files? NUTS!

Problems with the Mac OS X version of XAMPP, questions, comments, and anything related.

Xampp apache trying to load wrong .config files? NUTS!

Postby andrewembassy » 15. September 2008 19:30

So, I've had a new macbook for a couple weeks now and I'm STILL trying to get Apache to run well.

I tried for a while to run things with the default installation of Apache on Leopard, but grew frustrated and gave up when trying to install the damn GD image library and a few other things.

So I downloaded Xampp - and it installed and everything seemed to be working great.

If I understand correctly Xampp is its own appliction and it runs Apache from within itself. It has its own config files, and I think its own binary, right?

The only problem is it seems like Apache is loading the config files from the original installation, not Xampp. When I go to http://Localhost I get "/xampp/index.php not found on this server" - which I think means it's looking for the right stuff (the default Xampp page) in the wrong place (/etc/sites/ or wherever localhost is). Also when I run 'httpd -S' in terminal I get a notice about a syntax error in "/private/etc/Apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf" - which is the config file for the stock Apache installation, not the Xampp one.

What's the deal?
Posts: 4
Joined: 15. September 2008 19:27

Postby Nobbie » 15. September 2008 21:06

>What's the deal?

You probably still dont run Xampp, but your "old" Apache installation.
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Postby andrewembassy » 15. September 2008 21:34

Hey there-

I've done a lot of exploring. I can say for certain that the old Apache is not running (I've turned off web-share and restarted, watched as Xampp created all the httpd processes).

It seems that Xampp is starting up its own Apache, but it's pulling the configuration from the old config file.
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Joined: 15. September 2008 19:27

Postby andrewembassy » 16. September 2008 00:51

I reinstalled Xampp and it seems to be working now.

I think part of the issue is that I tried to install Entropy, and it didn't work (it doesn't install properly on 10.5.4) and all those files were causing problems somehow...
Posts: 4
Joined: 15. September 2008 19:27

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