xamp and ssh2 install

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xamp and ssh2 install

Postby robby57 » 03. August 2007 14:27


I tried to get ssh2 installed but could not succeed with the standard
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pear install -f ssh2

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./pecl install -f ssh2

I googled but could not find any answer so I thought I'd share my way to get it done.

I suppose libssh2 is already installed. It did install flawlessly for me.

1/ Suggestion: upgrade to latest version (mine is 6.3)

2/ Download dev pak and install it

3/ Go to /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles, and do:

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ln -s ../include include

4/ Go back to the xampp directory

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cd ..
cp include/unix.h include/php/php5/php/Zend/

5/ Point your browser to http://pecl.php.net/package/ssh2 and download the lastest package (ssh2-0.10.tgz for me)

6/ untar it

7/ cd to the ssh2-0.10 directory and do
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./configure --with-ssh2  --with-php-config=/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/php-config


sudo cp /Users/robby/Desktop/ssh2-0.10/ssh2-0.10/modules/ssh2.so /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/lib/php/php5/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/

(the copy command might be different for you as it depends on the place you choosed to untar your package and the version of xampp aswell as the version of php you're using: adapt to your needs)

8/ Edit /Applications/xampp/etc/php.ini and add the ssh2 extension

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Worked for me under OSX 10.4.10
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Joined: 03. August 2007 14:12

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