error with phpSQLite

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error with phpSQLite

Postby tuneup » 15. May 2007 23:46

I installed Apache OK and ran some php apps on it and it all went fine. Now I want to test Drupal locally so am setting up my database.

When I log in to phpSQLite I get this error

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 524288) (tried to allocate -1 bytes) in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/phpsqliteadmin/mainframe.php on line 37

also says the databise size is only 7K

when I log into to phpmyadmin I get this error

MySQL said: Documentation
#2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)

I'm a total newbie to sql and would appreciate any advice on where to look next.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: 15. May 2007 23:19

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