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Critical Error cannot connect to server - password

PostPosted: 06. January 2023 07:45
by ozstar
I have apache2 setup and running on ubuntu 20.04 (Zorin162) home server in a VB.

I have several sites there each with their own folder and Virtual conf files.

I have just set up vsftpd so I can use ftp to access my sites from afar. It came with a ssl certificate too.

I am unsure what password I have to give in FZ to gain access to the server.
So far I get to
331 Please specify Pwd

but have tried all I recall but not sure what it is or where I can find it.
Then I get..
530 Login Incorrect. Critical Error: Could not connect to server.

Could I get any any help as to how I get FZ into the sites please?

Thank you

Re: Critical Error cannot connect to server - password

PostPosted: 06. January 2023 08:06
by Altrea

we can only provide support for FileZilla Server instances shipped with xampp.
You are not using xampp. You are even don't using FileZilla Server.
It would be more effective to ask for support in an Zorin or vsftp related support channel.

Re: Critical Error cannot connect to server - password

PostPosted: 06. January 2023 09:22
by ozstar
Thank you