Where would you recommend me to store a Keepass file?

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Where would you recommend me to store a Keepass file?

Postby unleash_it » 17. November 2019 22:19

dear community,

Usually I have my personal documents stored at home or - in my Dropbox account. Would it be safe to use Dropbox for this file?
What's the best way to share certain passwords that are stored in a Keepass database? I don't know if this approach is a good scenario,

background: i need to store a KeePass password file, there are several arguments to decide where to store it.
In my opinion, if the passwords are really, really important to me, well i think that i should make the decision based on:

what are the risks: i have muse a very long time about these things: imagine the risk of the file being hacked Assuming you have a strong password to open the file, we may assume the KeePass file is rather safe (also see the tip of @gertvdijk at the bottom), however: If the time to attempt to hack the file is unlimited, everything can be hacked a location that is (potentially) publically accessible to others is not a good idea, Dropbox or other clouds included. What do you say about these scenarios?

futhermore: we should also make sure others will not be able to copy the file for "further processing".
The risk of losing the file because of disk errors. This could happen. One thing is sure: there comes an end to the life of all disks. That means we should at least have a backup of our file on a (physically) other location.

The risk of being in a catastrophe - eg fire - imagine all burns: It sounds a bit overkill, but honestly: imagine if you use your passwords in a professional (e.g. services to others) environment, and passwords include access to private data of others, you should make sure you also have a backup of the file on another (secure) location,
so that you can at least change passwords quickly in case of accidents. If I go on vacation, I make a backup of all my important data and keep
it in a safe on another address.

Note: I've been doing my research on the subject and I already moved a couple of passwords there to test the waters; so far, so good.
I'm currently stumped on one issue, however. My most important passwords that I definitely want on KeePass are

- my Google account password and
- my Dropbox password.

the question is: What's the best way to share certain passwords that are stored in a Keepass database?
I don't know if this approach is a good scenario,
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