WordPress and Notion: some ways and methods to interact

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WordPress and Notion: some ways and methods to interact

Postby unleash_it » 02. April 2024 16:24

WordPress and Notion: some ways and methods to interact

here we show you some options... - of interaction between the productivity-tool ( Notion.so ) and WordPress:

WP Sync for Notion – Notion to WordPress Von WP connect
by https://wpconnect.co/

meta: Version:1.4.0 Zuletzt aktualisiert:vor 1 Monat Aktive Installationen:1.000+ WordPress-Version:5.7 oder höher Getestet bis:6.4.3 PHP-Version:7.0 oder höher Sprachen:Alle 2 anzeigen Schlagwörter:apiautomationnocodenotionwpconnect

With our Notion to WordPress integration, WP Sync for Notion, you’ll be able to create beautiful websites and manage content directly from Notion, the best digital workplace no code tool! Our plugin can export and sync any Notion database, page and content to your website, without Zapier or Make.
Create databases and pages with structured data into Notion: WP Sync for Notion will push and sync data to WordPress, swiftly!
Pro Version with multiple advanced features is available.

Connect Notion databases and pages
Connect WordPress to Notion databases & pages (Databases only available in Pro Version)
Set up and publish unlimited connections (Pro Version)
Display Notion data in any post type
Display Notion data in WordPress in any post type ; Article, Page, Custom Post Types, with Post Status and Author (CPT only available in Pro Version)
Map Notion database properties to WordPress fields : title, date, category, excerpt… and Custom Fields (Custom Fields only available in Pro Version)
ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support in Pro+ version
Display your content as it is in Notion or customize it
Support of major Notion blocks for pages (Paragraph, Title, List, Table, Separator, Image…) but also columns and internal Properties of Notion pages (cover, icon, …)
Integrate easily your content with our CPT “Notion Content” (Pro Version only)
Display it by using our dedicated Gutenberg block or use shortcodes for Divi, Elementor or any Page Builder (Pro Version only)
Customize synchronization of your data
Trigger data sync automatically or manually (Limited in Free Version)
Select update frequency or instantly via a webhook (Pro Version only)
Set up synchronization method (add, update, delete)
How to unleash your plugin’s full potential?
Go to the WP Sync for Notion plugin page, click on “Add New” next to “Connections”.

Choose a name for your new connection.
Enter your Internal integration token (Available in your Notion’s integrations here).
Choose the source of your data. From one or more pages. You also have the possibility to include children’s pages.
Select the destination of your content.
Link the Notion fields with WordPress fields.
Choose the Sync Settings (Strategy and Trigger).
Publish the connection, and you’re done!
Tip: By pressing the „Sync Now“ button, you can synchronize your contents for the first time (even if you didn’t choose “Manual only” trigger).

CF7 to Notion
Von WP connect :: by https://wpconnect.co/

meta: Version:1.2.0 Zuletzt aktualisiert:vor 4 Monaten Aktive Installationen:200+ WordPress-Version:5.7 oder höher Getestet bis:6.4.0 PHP-Version:7.0 oder höher Sprachen:Alle 2 anzeigen Schlagwörter:apicontactform7formsnotionwpconnec
Connect the popular WordPress plugin Contact Form 7 to Notion. This add-on enables you to integrate Contact Form 7 forms so that when users submit a form entry, the entries get directly added to Notion. You can link any field type including custom fields and add information to your Notion database.

Set up the connection with Notion
Some simple steps to follow (only once)
A new Notion tab shows up in your form settings
Choose the destination database you want
Make your Notion page visible to the integration
For each form, select the database where you want to send data
Map your Contact Form 7 fields with Notion
All major field types are supported
Select the corresponding database field for each form field
User-friendly and helpful plugin interface
Dropdown lists for instant visualization of mapped fields
Many tooltips to make things easier
How does it work? How to use it?
Create a form with at least an e-mail field (don’t forget the consent field)

Go to Notion tab and check the box “Add form submissions to your database” to activate the connection
Choose the Notion’s database in which the data should be added
Map the fields of your Contact Form 7 form with your Notion’s columns
Click on “Save settings”

Support: If you need support, open a ticket on the Support.

Troubleshooting: Make sure you have created your database and columns in Notion before linking them to your form fields. If you don’t see it, wait 1 minute. Your Notion elements are cached for 60 seconds for optimal performance.
Supported Fields: Title, Text, Number, URL, E-mail, Phone, Select, Multiple Select and Date

Embed Notion Pages
Von Embed Notion Pages :: https://www.embednotionpages.com/
meta: Version:1.0.0 Zuletzt aktualisiert:vor 9 Monaten Aktive Installationen:200+ WordPress-Version:4.0 oder höher Getestet bis:6.2.4 PHP-Version:7.0 oder höher Sprache:English (US

Embed Notion Pages is a powerful tool that lets you harness the power of Notion and embed its pages into your own website. Create your content in Notion, grab the provided embed code, and seamlessly integrate beautifully updated pages onto your site. While Notion provides a fantastic platform for content creation, directing users to a public Notion domain may not provide the best user experience. Embed Notion Pages allows you to enjoy all the creative freedom Notion offers, customise your embed to match your brand, and let people experience it as part of your own website. Essentially, Embed Notion Pages amplifies your content presentation while maintaining the usability and simplicity of Notion. This plugin works with shortcodes. Simply generate your Notion page embed code on our website and use the shortcode on your desired WordPress page/post.

Usage; Create your Notion page embed on our website https://www.embednotionpages.com
Use the WordPress shortcode [notion id="your-embed-id"] from your embed on your desired WordPress page/post.

what is notion:
see more here: https://www.notion.so

what is notion:

see also TablePress a awesome tableplugin - that not integrates with Notion... but is very cool by the way.

by tobias Bäthge https://tablepress.org/

meta: version:2.3 Zuletzt aktualisiert:vor 7 Stunden Aktive Installationen:800.000+ WordPress-Version:6.0 oder höher Getestet bis:6.5 PHP-Version:7.2 oder höher Sprachen:Alle 42 anzeigen Schlagwörter:csvexcelspreadsheettabletables

Mach deine Webseite besser: Mit funktionsreichen Tabellen, die deine Besucher lieben werden!
TablePress ist das beliebteste und am besten bewertete WordPress-Tabellen-Plugin.

Erstelle, bearbeite und verwalte ganz einfach schöne und moderne Datentabellen, egal ob klein oder groß!
Füge für deine Besucher Sortierung, seitenweises Blättern, eine Suchfunktion und mehr hinzu!
Verwende jeden Datentyp, füge Bilder, Links und sogar mathematische Formeln ein!
Importiere und exportiere Tabellen aus/in Excel-, CSV-, HTML- und JSON-Dateien oder -URLs.
Binde Tabellen mit dem Blockeditor oder Shortcodes in Beiträge, Seiten oder andere Bereiche deiner Website ein.
Und das alles ohne Programmierkenntnisse!
Noch mehr großartige Funktionen für dich und deine Seitenbesucher sowie priorisierter E-Mail-Support stehen mit einer Premium-Lizenz von TablePress zur Verfügung. Schau sie dir an!
Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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