WP: Host 3rd-Party Blocks in Gutenberg’s GitHub Repository

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WP: Host 3rd-Party Blocks in Gutenberg’s GitHub Repository

Postby unleash_it » 24. February 2024 08:40

Host 3rd-Party Blocks in Gutenberg’s GitHub Repository

Proposal: Host 3rd-Party Blocks in Gutenberg’s GitHub Repository: Matias Ventura, Gutenberg’s Lead Architect, recently made a pitch to incorporate some 3rd-party blocks in the Gutenberg GitHub repository:

see https://wptavern.com/proposal-host-3rd- ... repository

“There’s a growing subset of blocks that we may contemplate creating that are either more niche or—for various reasons—not necessarily an immediate fit for the bundled library in core. This would include blocks that have enough appeal, demand, and where offering an endorsed implementation can significantly help both creators and viewers given best practices can be ascertained.”

These plugins won’t just be guests—they’ll become roommates, proudly featured in the Blocks Directory: “designed, developed, published, and maintained by core contributors in this repository” but available to install as standalone blocks in the directory.

see here: https://wordpress.org/documentation/art ... directory/

Early design prototypes of the Block Directory
The tension between users’ demand to bundle more functionalities and the maintainers’ inclination toward keeping core as lean as possible won’t be resolved anytime soon. Yet this presents an interesting compromise: if the estimations are accurate, and most websites are built with a combo of Group blocks holding Heading, Paragraph, Image, List, and Button blocks, then having this living arrangement will benefit both segments of the community.

more infos - more data

the block-drirectory; https://wordpress.org/documentation/art ... directory/

the current article on wp-tavern: https://wptavern.com/proposal-host-3rd- ... repository
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