What’s new for WordPress-developers in February 2024

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What’s new for WordPress-developers in February 2024

Postby unleash_it » 15. February 2024 10:44

What’s new for developers? (February 2024):

from time to time we publish news - that are useful and interesting for all developers, and all the wordpress-user that like to digg deeper

see: What’s new for developers? (February 2024):
https://developer.wordpress.org/news/20 ... uary-2024/

WordPress 6.5 is expected to ship on March 26, 2024, and the first beta version is scheduled for release on February 13. That means that commits to the Core code base have picked up pace over the last few weeks. The good news? There are lots of goodies on the way that you can start playing with today.

The sort-of-bad news? There were so many changes in the past month that it’s next to impossible to cover them all in detail in this edition of the monthly roundup. I’ll do my best to cover the most significant features for your work as an extender, but I had to make a few cuts.
In the meantime, make sure you check out the Gutenberg 17.7 RC. It landed on Friday, February 9, and it will include the final features to make it into WordPress 6.5.
As usual, make sure that you are running WordPress trunk and the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin in a development environment to test the following updates.

Highlights Block Bindings API, custom fields, and pattern overrides

The Block Bindings API is soon to be the talk of the town as folks in the WordPress community begin learning how to extend blocks in a brand new way.
In a nutshell, the Block Bindings API allows you to bind data from various sources to existing block attributes. For example, you could bind an Image block’s url attribute to a custom field, automatically injecting the URL from the custom field on the front end. In many cases, this new API will even allow you to forgo building a custom block in favor of extending the core blocks.
WordPress 6.5 will arrive with two binding sources for handling post meta (custom fields) and pattern overrides. But you can also register your own binding sources for deeper customization.
To stay up to date on these features, you can follow the Block Bindings API tracking issue and related tickets on GitHub:

more interesting news, facts and discussion

justin Tadlocks twitter-account: https://twitter.com/justintadlock

Developer.Wordpress.org: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/20 ... uary-2024/
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