Conditional Blocks: Visibility control for Gutenbergblocks

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Conditional Blocks: Visibility control for Gutenbergblocks

Postby unleash_it » 25. August 2021 22:35

Conditional Blocks – Visibility control for any Gutenberg block

By Conditional Blocks ::

meta: Version:2.5.0 Last updated:2 weeks ago Active installations:1,000+ WordPress Version:5.4 or higher Tested up to:5.8 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Languages:See all 2 Tags:conditional blocksconditionsgutenbergrestrict blockswoocommerce

Conditional Blocks allows you to create unique content for your visitors and customers. Visibility control with WordPress blocks is now easy within the WordPress Block Editor.

Be creative, build templates with dynamic content – you can change blocks to be visble or hidden, grouped blocks and each nested block even reusable blocks! We plan on having Conditional Blocks ready for Full Site Editing (FSE) themes, if you have any ideas – let us know.

Conditional Blocks makes it easy to change visibility of any block.

Included condition types in the free version:

Hide blocks from everyone using the “Lockdown” condition. Great for when you are preparing new content.
Show or Hide block based user state (logged in users or logged out users). Great for creating membership content for signed in users.
Show or hide block on mobile screens.
Show or hide block on tablet screens.
Show or hide block on desktop screens.
Modify the screen sizes to fit the devices using the CSS breakpoints of your theme.
You can create conditional widgets in sidebars using any of the built-in visibility logic. Fully compatible with WordPress 5.8 block widgets.

Learn more about the features

Show block depending on user roles (WooCommerce Customer, admin, editor, subscriber, custom roles, etc).
Show block content for between date ranges, times, days of the week.
Show block for any device and browser (HTTP UserAgent) (iPhone, Android, macOS, linux and Windows).
Show block based on URL Referer (e.g if user came from or
Show block based on post meta fields, including custom meta fields and data.
Show block based on URL query strings (URL variables), You display custom confirmation content for form plugins like Gravity Forms.
Show block based on post ID or hide block on post IDs and URL Paths.
Show blocks based on Posts, Custom Post Types, Taxonomies and terms.
Show blocks for custom fields, user meta, post meta.
Create and manage presets of conditions to apply to multiple blocks across your whole site.
Show block based on PHP Logic and custom functions. The possibilities are unlimited.
WooCommerce – change the visibility of blocks based on total cart value of the current customer. Perfect for upselling.
WooCommerce – We have even more WooCommerce conditions for blocks coming, each condition will help you create dynamic upsells for smart marketing.
WooCommerce Products in cart, total cart value, total customer spent in store.
Support development of new features.
Conditional Blocks Pro gives you even more control over Full Site Editing and widget options.

see more:
Conditional Blocks – Visibility control for any Gutenberg block

By Conditional Blocks ::
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