enabling parallax-effect in theme twenty-twenty: how To

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enabling parallax-effect in theme twenty-twenty: how To

Postby unleash_it » 15. March 2021 18:00

the parallax-effect in WordPress-themes can be reached on several ways and methods:

if we have – for example this page: https://northlandfinishcontractors.com

here we have a nice site-behavior: in how the background tiles slightly move slower than the text when you scroll up and down. how to duplicate this process with the Twenty Twenty theme?

where to start?

question: can i reach this behavior with the plugin -“advanced backgrounds” too? Is this possible?
i have a site that runs the theme twenty-twenty – and i want to have the site working with the parallax-effect.

like we can see on the following pages:

a. https://pulsdesign.at/webseiten-webshoperstellung/ (this is not a 2020-theme) – but anyway.
b. https://northlandfinishcontractors.com

i have studied various manpages and tutorials:

a. Twenty Twenty: a introduction into the standard WordPress Theme

b. pure-css-parallax-websites
https://keithclark.co.uk/articles/pure- ... -websites/

c. twenty-twenty-parallax-effekt – how to reach this

by the way: Perhaps this plugin can help too: https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-backgrounds/

assumptions: i have heard that any plugin that creates a Gutenberg block that has parallax capabilities should, in theory, work fine with Twenty Twenty
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