contact forms :: enhance wordpress with lots of top-features

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contact forms :: enhance wordpress with lots of top-features

Postby unleash_it » 31. October 2020 11:07

Contact forms seem like a very common feature that every website should have, I think that really every website should have a Contact form - But wait: yet it’s still something that’s not included in WordPress out the gate. This means: at the moment - a contact form is not included in the core: At the time of writing this, any kind of contact form functionality is available only through third-party WordPress plugins.

here we show you alot of great concat forms -

Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types ... ost-types/
By spivurno
meta: version:3.1.15 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:20,000+ WordPress Version:3.0.1 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Tags:formformsgravitygravity formgravity form
Gravity Forms comes with a great dasboard and many many optis and Tools
Gravity Forms is a well-known premium WordPress plugin in the forms department, so to speak. It is actually one of the original premium contact form plugins. It gives you much more than just simple contact form functionality. You can use it to create multi-page forms (great for surveys), you can limit user entries, schedule forms (so they’re available only within a given time slot), and even create order forms.
It includes over thirty built-in fields. This allows you to build pretty much any type of form you need.

Contact Form by WPForms – Drag & Drop Form Builder for WordPress
By WPForms
Meta: Version: Last updated:1 week ago Active installations:3+ million WordPress Version:4.9 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.5 or higher Languages:See all 19 Tags:contact formcontact form plugincustom formform builderforms
We believe that you shouldn’t have to hire a developer to create a WordPress contact form. That’s why we built WPForms, a drag & drop WordPress form builder that’s EASY and POWERFUL.
WPForms allows you to create beautiful contact forms, feedback form, subscription forms, payment forms, and other types of forms for your site in minutes, not hours! At WPForms, user experience is our #1 priority. Our pre-built form templates and workflows make WPForms the most beginner friendly contact form plugin in the market. WPForms is a 100% mobile responsive contact form solution, so your contact forms will always look great on all devices (mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop).
WPForms is not only a contact form plugin, it is a complete drag & drop form builder.

Forminator – Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder
meta: Version:1.14.0 Last updated:3 weeks ago Active installations:90,000+ WordPress Version:4.6 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.2.4 or higher Languages:See all 6 Tags:contact formcustom formformspayment formWordPress form plugin
Not your typical form-making plugin. Forminator is the easy-to-use WordPress form builder plugin for every website and situation. It’s the easiest way to create any form – contact form, order form, payment form, email form, feedback widgets, interactive polls with real-time results, buzzfeed-style “no wrong answer” quizzes, service estimators, and registration forms with payment options including PayPal and Stripe.
It’s the magical WordPress form builder for, well, everyone!
Forminator’s drag and drop visual builder makes it easy to setup and add forms to your WordPress website. Collect information, make your content interactive and generate more conversions with Forminator.

Contact Form to Manage and respond to conversations with customers — HappyForms
By HappyForms
meta: version:1.9.24 Last updated:7 hours ago Active installations:30,000+ WordPress Version:4.8 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.3 or higher Languages:See all 9 Tags:contactcontact formemailfeedback formform
HappyForms is the simplest way for you to manage and respond to conversations with your website visitors. With over 10 years of experience here at The Theme Foundry, we’ve heard from nearly 1,000,000 business what they need from a form builder! We’ve heard about the wasted time trying to set up tricky forms; the frustration of emails not being delivered; and the let down of not hearing from leads. That’s why we created HappyForms: Your free and friendly drag and drop form builder for creating contact forms, lead generation forms, feedback forms, quote forms, survey forms and more! HappyForms is optimized to increase conversations with your website visitors. Have peace of mind knowing messages to-and-from are getting delivered without the hassle of spam. You’ll be set up and going in 5 minutes or less.

WP Mail SMTP by WPForms
By WPForms
meta. Version:2.5.1 Last updated:3 days ago Active installations:2+ million WordPress Version:4.9 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.5 or higher Languages:See all 27 Tags:gmail smtpsendgrid smtpsmtpwordpress smtpWP Mail SMTP
Having problems with your WordPress site not sending emails? You’re not alone. Over 1 million websites use WP Mail SMTP to send their emails reliably.
Our goal is to make email deliverability easy and reliable. We want to ensure your emails reach the inbox.
WP Mail SMTP fixes your email deliverability by reconfiguring WordPress to use a proper SMTP provider when sending emails.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is an industry standard for sending emails. Proper SMTP configuration helps increase email deliverability by using authentication.
Popular email clients like Gmail, Yahoo, Office 365, and Zoho are in a constant battle with email spammers. One of the things they look at is if an email is originating from the location it claims to be originating from.
If the proper authentication isn’t there, then emails either go in the SPAM folder or worst, don’t get delivered at all.
This is a problem for a lot of WordPress sites because by default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails generated by WordPress or any contact form plugin like WPForms.

Newsletter, SMTP, Email marketing and Subscribe forms by Sendinblue
By Sendinblue
Sendinblue’s official plugin for WordPress is a powerful all-in-one email marketing plugin. At a glance:
Subscription forms – Create custom subscription forms and easily integrate them into your posts, pages or sidebars
Contact lists – Manage your contact lists and take advantage of advanced segmentation to improve your campaign performance
Marketing campaigns – Easily create and send beautiful newsletters using our mobile-friendly, drag and drop builder to create custom emails or select from our template library
Transactional emails – The wp_mail() function automatically uses Sendinblue’s SMTP for enhanced deliverability and tracking
Statistics – Real-time report dashboard gives you advanced insights into deliverability and performance: opens, clicks, bounce reports, etc.
Marketing automation – Enable Automation on WordPress to auto-install the script on your website and the identify tag on the Sendinblue forms and WordPress Login
Sendinblue‘s free WordPress plugin enables access to our SMTP for enhanced deliverability and tracking. On top of that Sendinblue all in one marketing plugin allows you to:
Build and setup subscription forms Store unlimited contacts, have them tagged with as many events, attributes, and (soon) tags as you’d like.
Use drag n drop editor to create templates, code your own templates in HTML or use our email template library with 60+ responsive email templates available.

Ninja Forms Contact Form – The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress
By Saturday Drive
meta: Version:3.4.30 Last updated:1 month ago Active installations:1+ million WordPress Version:5.3 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Languages:See all 20 Tags:contact formcustom formemail formform builderforms
Use Ninja Forms to create beautiful, user friendly WordPress forms that will make you feel like a professional web developer!
Not a tech person? No problem. No coding skills required. You can design beautiful, complex forms like a pro with a dedicated support team at your back. No question is too small- build your forms with a professional team happy to answer any question or address any issue.
Drag and drop fields. Easy row and column layouts. Multi page forms. Conditional forms. You don’t have to be a designer to create forms that will blend beautifully with your WordPress website

Contact Form 7
meta: version:5.3 Last updated:1 week ago Active installations:5+ million WordPress Version:5.4 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Languages:See all 62 Tags:contactcontact formemailfeedbackform
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on When you can’t find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, check the support forum on If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.
Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular WordPress plugins of them all (not just speaking in terms of contact form plugins).
Currently, it has more than 5 million active installs

Form Maker by 10Web – Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder
By 10Web Form Builder Team
meta: Version:1.13.45 Last updated:2 weeks ago Active installations:100,000+ WordPress Version:4.6 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Languages:See all 5 Tags:contact formfeedbackformform builderforms
Mobile-Friendly and Responsive
Your forms will look great on all resolutions and devices: mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Field Types
43 different form field types to help you create just the form you need.
Embed Easily
Display your forms as popups, top bars or scroll boxes or embed them into blog posts.
Pre-built Templates
Pick from five form template options to save time.
Fully Customizable Themes
Use one of our fifteen beautiful themes to make your forms match website design.
Manage Submissions

FormCraft – Contact Form Builder for WordPress By nCrafts

FormCraft is a drag-and-drop form builder to create and embed forms, and track submissions. Our WYSIWYG form builder is fast, easy-to-use and offers extensive customization, allowing you to build simple contact forms or complicated application forms.
Forms don’t have to look ugly anymore. We have spent a lot of time on our form builder platform to make sure all the forms made with FormCraft form builder are as stylish and beautiful as your website. All our forms are responsive on all devices, by default. FormCraft form builder is a great alternate to other form builders like Contact Form 7
The future is mobile. All your forms are responsive by default. You don’t need to flip a switch. It’s built-in.
You don’t have to login to your WordPress to check for new entries. We will send over all new entry notifications via email.
FormCraft can be used to make a variety of forms, like contact form, support form, application form, etc …
FormCraft offers a drag & drop style of editing when it comes to form building. It’s interface is very simple and user friendly. All you have to do is drag the field you want onto your form. The developers of Form craft have done a great job in creating a simple UI that can generate complex forms. As you would expect, you can easily embed forms within the content of a page, but you can also embed them as a popup on any page or trigger a form using an existing element on a page. And there is also conditional logic. You to show and hide fields, send emails or trigger integrations, all based on user input.

Constant Contact Forms - By Constant Contact
meta: Version:1.9.0 Last updated:1 month ago Active installations:40,000+ WordPress Version:5.2.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.6 or higher
Tags:captureconstant contactconstant contact formconstant contact newslettercontacts
Constant Contact-Email is the most effective and most reliable marketing tool at your disposal as a business owner. It allows you to stay in touch with your users even after they leave your website. This is why we recommend every business owner to start building an email list right away.
Constant Contact is one of the most popular email marketing service providers in the world.
Your email list serves as a bridge between your brand and customers. A high-quality email list can earn your business a loyal following as well as more product sales. To build an email list, you need to add several forms to your website.
Constant Contact Forms allows you to create customized forms to capture visitors’ information, like names, email addresses, and locations. A big plus is that all the forms automatically adjust to the theme and style of your WordPress site.

Contact Form by WPForms – Drag & Drop Form Builder for WordPressContact Form by WPForms – Drag & Drop Form Builder for WordPress
meta: Version: Last updated:1 week ago Active installations:3+ million WordPress Version:4.9 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 PHP Version:5.5 or higher Languages:See all 19 Tags:contact form
We believe that you shouldn’t have to hire a developer to create a WordPress contact form. That’s why we built WPForms, a drag & drop WordPress form builder that’s EASY and POWERFUL. WPForms allows you to create beautiful contact forms, feedback form, subscription forms, payment forms, and other types of forms for your site in minutes, not hours! At WPForms, user experience is our #1 priority. Our pre-built form templates and workflows make WPForms the most beginner friendly contact form plugin in the market.
WPForms is a 100% mobile responsive contact form solution, so your contact forms will always look great on all devices (mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop).

Contact Form Plugin – WP Fluent Forms – Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin for WordPress
By Contact Form - WPManageNinja LLC
meta: Version:3.6.51 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:30,000+ WordPress Version:4.5 or higher Tested up to:5.5.0 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Tags:contact formcontact formsform builderformsWP Form
fluent Forms helps you create hassle-free contact forms, subscription forms, or any kind of WP Forms you need for your website in minutes.
Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder
Multi-column Contact Form Layout
Smart Conditional Logic Form Fields
Conditional Confirmation Messages
Build 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Forms and Contact Forms.
Reusable Templates for All kind of Forms including many contact forms.
Spam Protection with Google Recaptcha for your contact forms.
Placeholder Customization for your contact forms.
AJAX Submission and Both Client-Side and Server-Side Data Validation for contact forms.

Caldera Forms – More Than Contact Forms By Caldera Forms
meta: version:1.9.2 Last updated :3 months ago Active installations:200,000+ WordPress Version:5.2 or higher Tested up to:5.4.4 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Languages:See all 16 Tags:contact formformform creator
Caldera Form is a free and powerful WordPress plugin that creates responsive forms with a simple drag and drop editor. Caldera Forms has many free user-friendly add-ons for both beginners and web developers. Learn more about Caldera Forms at
Caldera Forms’ visual editor simplifies form building for WordPress. Set up your form with multiple columns, add additional pages, and funnel user responses with conditional logic to get more robust data and relevant information from your customers and site visitors. Anti-spam, AJAX, notification emails, and database entry tracking are enabled by default.

Smart Forms – when you need more than just a contact form
By RedNao
meta: Version:2.6.31 Last updated:3 days ago Active installations:10,000+ WordPress Version:3.3 or higher Tested up to:5.5.3 Tags:
so you want to create a beautiful form, the problem is, you are not a developer and of course you have no time to learn any of that?, well, if that is you (or your client) this is the plugin for you.
This plugin is focused in making really easy the process of creating your forms, with it you can add formulas to calculate totals (it doesn’t matter if your totals require complex calculations) or show the fields that you need just when you need them.
Emailing is easy, you can even send

Contact Form Plugin – WP Fluent Forms – Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin for WordPress
By Contact Form
- WPManageNinja LLC
Meta: Version:3.6.51 Last updated:2 months ago Active installations:30,000+ WordPress Version:4.5 or higher Tested up to:5.5.0 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Tags: contact formcontact formsform builderformsWP Forms
WP Fluent Forms is the ultimate user-friendly, customizable drag-and-drop WordPress Contact Form Plugin that offers you all the premium features, plus many more completely unique additional features. A perfect WordPress Form builder plugin should be developed in a way, so that you don’t have to code every time you need to integrate a form in your website, but can be set up in minutes. And that’s why, we have developed WP Fluent Forms for you.
Fluent Forms helps you create hassle-free contact forms, subscription forms, or any kind of WP Forms you need for your website in minutes.

Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder
Multi-column Contact Form Layout
Smart Conditional Logic Form Fields
Conditional Confirmation Messages
Build 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Forms and Contact Forms.
Reusable Templates for All kind of Forms including many contact forms.
Spam Protection with Google Recaptcha for your contact forms.
Placeholder Customization for your contact forms.
AJAX Submission and Both Client-Side and Server-Side Data Validation for contact forms.
Send Beautiful Email to submitter and admin after contact form submission.
You can configure what will happen after a contact form submission. You can show a success message, or you can redirect the user to a selected URL.
Restrict Your Web Contact Form by user role
Show the form only for a time/date range.
30+ Form Field Types to build any Web Forms quickly.
In-Depth Analytics where you can see how many times it’s displayed and how many leads were captured from Contact Forms.
Advanced Data Filtering where you can see data by status and also by date range.
What a good Contact Form builder plugin is if the users can’t use it with ease and the way they want. And deep inside, you know too as well, how important it is to present your audience a website that is designed keeping in mind the audience’s need and necessity first. So in times, you might as well feel like customizing a contact form or subscription form suitable for a specific portion of your audience. And this is where you will find that WP Fluent Forms is the most powerful and flexible form builder tool developed so far.
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