WordPress 5.4 - release to the world - tons of new features

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WordPress 5.4 - release to the world - tons of new features

Postby unleash_it » 01. April 2020 21:04

see some links

WordPress 5.4 - release to the world - tons of new features and more:

https://wordpress.org/news/2020/03/adde ... ent=social

https://make.wordpress.org/core/2020/03 ... eld-guide/
https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-c ... reenshots/

by the way: The squad was joined throughout the release cycle by 552 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on 361 tickets on Trac and 1226 pull requests on GitHub.

Welcome to WordPress 5.4 :: Every major release adds more to the block editor.

More ways to make posts and pages come alive with your best images. More ways to bring your visitors in, and keep them engaged, with the richness of embedded media from the web’s top services. More ways to make your vision real, and put blocks in the perfect place—even if a particular kind of block is new to you. More efficient processes.
And more speed everywhere, so as you build sections or galleries, or just type in a line of prose, you can feel how much faster your work flows.

Two new blocks. And better blocks overall.
Two brand-new blocks: Social Icons and Buttons make adding interactive features fast and easy.
New ways with color: Gradients in the Buttons and Cover block, toolbar access to color options in Rich Text blocks, and for the first time, color options in the Group and Columns blocks.
Guess a whole lot less! Version 5.4 streamlines the whole process for placing and replacing multimedia in every block. Now it works the same way in almost every block!
And if you’ve ever thought your image in the Media+Text block should link to something else—perhaps a picture of a brochure should download that brochure

Cleaner UI, clearer navigation—and easier tabbing!
Clearer block navigation with block breadcrumbs. And easier selection once you get there.
For when you need to navigate with the keyboard, better tabbing and focus. Plus, you can tab over to the sidebar of nearly any block.
Speed! 14% faster loading of the editor, 51% faster time-to-type!
Tips are gone. In their place, a Welcome Guide window you can bring up when you need it—and only when you need it—again and again.
Know at a glance whether you’re in a block’s Edit or Navigation mode. Or, if you have restricted vision, your screen reader will tell you which mode you’re in.
Of course, if you want to work with the very latest tools and features, install

# see more
he Squad
This release was led by Matt Mullenweg, Francesca Marano, and David Baumwald. They were enthusiastically supported by a release squad:

Editor Tech: Jorge Filipe Costa (@jorgefelipecosta)
Editor Design: Mark Uraine (@mapk)
Core Tech: Sergey Biryukov (@sergeybiryukov)
Design: Tammie Lister (@karmatosed)
Docs Coordinator: JB Audras (@audrasjb)
Docs & Comms Wrangler: Mary Baum (@marybaum)

The squad was joined throughout the release cycle by 552 generous volunteer contributors who collectively worked on 361 tickets on Trac and 1226 pull requests on GitHub.

Put on a Nat Adderley playlist, click that update button (or download it directly), and check the profiles of the fine folks that helped:

https://wordpress.org/news/2020/03/adde ... ent=social
Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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Re: WordPress 5.4 - release to the world - tons of new featu

Postby unleash_it » 26. September 2020 18:30

excluding .....from leaflet map maker to Travelers' Map

hello dear Community,

today we want to show you some cool plugins that support the integration of maps - see for a overview here https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/MAPS/
Technically, you don’t need a plugin to add a Google Map to your WordPress site. The Google Maps API provides an embed-code :: this you can insert in a WordPress page or post via the Gutenberg-Block Editor. Thats it - and youre done! A whole bunch of map plugins for WordPress (cf. https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/MAPS/ ) come equipped with a whole lot of top notch and very advanced features you don’t get with a manually embedded map.

In addition to single or multiple locations, interactive map plugins provide:

- youre able to add - Custom icons and markers
- Animations
- Filter and search options
- Clusterization
- Street views
- Zooming and panning
- pinning the map to a block
- using the data that comes shipped with the map.

if you are using a map plugin for WordPress: your live is easier; imagine you can reuse and update maps across your whole website.
This eliminates the need to create a new page every time you want to add your map somewhere else on your website.

today we show you the maps - especially those ones that work with openstreetmap: see the following ressources:

a. https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/openstreetmap/
b. https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/op ... ap/page/2/

the plugin openstreetmap;:
META: Version:5.5 Last updated:4 weeks ago Active installations:10,000+ WordPress Version:3.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1 PHP Version:5.3 or higher
Development Description
Add a map with marker in less than 100 sec:

If you want to get detailed information about the OSM-plugin visit these pages:
Homepage: WP-OSM-Plugin
Forum: EN|DE
Twitter: @WP_OSM_Plugin
Features of the OSM-plugin:

OpenStreetMap, HOT, OpenSeaMap, OpenTopoMap, BaseMap (AT), Stamen, WMS in posts/pages
Integration in post / page / widget
HTML Popup Marker
GPX and KML (incl. upload in Mediathek)
Map with geo-tagged posts/pages as linked marker
Map with autogenerated track by geo-tagged posts / pages
html-meta tags for geo-tagged posts/pages
uses OpenLayers Library
SSL connection (https)

Waymark: By Joe Hawes
Add Overlays (Markers, Lines and Shapes) to create detailed interactive Maps. Simply add them to your content using the Waymark Shortcode.
Using the Editor, each Overlay you add to a Map can be given a title, description, image and categorised using Types. Waymark can also read Markers and Lines from file (GPX/KML/GeoJSON supported), allowing you to easily embed data stored in these formats.
Waymark was designed to be very customisable, allowing you to change icons, colours and styles, as well as the ability to add multiple Basemaps.
An image gallery can be displayed at the bottom of the Map for Markers that have images associated with them. Clicking on an image will display the relevant Marker. Photos are added through the WordPress Media Library and if Waymark detects location metadata (EXIF), photos are added to the Map where they were taken.
You can see an example of the image gallery here.
Meta: Version:0.9.14 Last updated:1 month ago Active installations:90+ WordPress Version:3.2 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1 PHP Version:5.2 or higher Tags:embedleafletmapsopenstreetmap

Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap

Tiles Proxy for OpenStreetMap provides a basic proxy, which allows other OpenStreetMap plugins to load map tiles from your server instead from OpenStreetMap servers.

Contribute: https://github.com/moewe-io/osm-tiles-proxy

Known to work with these plugins
Leaflet Map
Custom Post Type to Map Store
Another plugin? Let us know.

Beware: Depending on your map and the tiles you need, a lot of storage is needed.
Might be slower than official servers (depends on your server)
First requests might be slow as map tiles are cached on request
You can use filters to get the URLs from the plugin:

Meta: Version:2.1.0 Last updated:3 months ago Active installations:20+ WordPress Version:5.2 or higher Tested up to:5.4.2 PHP Version:7.2 or higher Tags:embedGDPRopenstreetmap

see the developersite: moewe.io

Google Maps Easy

By supsystic.com

WordPress Google Maps
How to use Google Maps
Google Maps Demo
Create Google Maps in a minute with Google Maps Easy WordPress plugin. Google Map markers with any media: video, images, links, text descriptions. Add google map with shortcode, open it in a popup or use google map widget. An ultimate solution to display google map on the contact page, routes, real estates, delivery areas and more.

Unimited number of map markers and locations
Map Markers with media description. Text, images, video, email, phone
Fully responsive
100% customizable. All google map and markers options can be modified
Add map with shortcode or PHP code
Google Maps and Markers Import and Export
Map with Social Share Buttons
Alternate routes and route steps
Map with Exposition slider and Table view of markers
Map with Horizontal and Vertical slider
Map with Horizontal and Vertical Description Slidertable-view
KML layers, import and filters
Traffic, Transit and Bicycling Layers
Heatmap Layer
Front-end map and markers editing
Map Markers and Locations groups (clusterization)
Draw figures and paths on the map
Map style custom themes

meta: Version:1.9.29 Last updated:3 months ago Active installations:40,000+ Tested up to:5.4.2 Languages:See all 2 Tags:google mapGoogle Mapslocationmapmap markers

Geo MashupBy Dylan Kuhn

This plugin lets you save location information with posts, pages, and other WordPress objects. These can then be presented on interactive maps in many ways.

Geo Mashup, like WordPress, has a simple interface for basic features,
templates for control of output, and APIs for endless customization options.

Some popular features are:

Use different map providers: Google Maps v3, OpenLayers, Leaflet
Global maps can present your posts in many ways

They can show just one category, custom taxonomy term, or custom post type, for example

Clicking on a post marker shows a customizable summary of the post or page in an info window

A Geo Search widget enables searching for content by distance from a search location

Marker clustering for Google maps
Location can be saved for all post types (including pages) users, and comments
Synchronize Geodata with the Geo location mobile client and other plugins
Support for both standard WordPress shortcodes and template tags to add maps to your site.
Reverse geocoding to fill in address information for locations
GeoRSS automatically added to feeds
Attach KML files to posts and pages
Connect category markers with a colored line
If you need features that are aren’t listed here, check the documentation and the tag reference.
meta: Version:1.13.3 Last updated:3 weeks ago Active installations:4,000+ WordPress Version:3.7 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1 Languages:See all 5 Tags:google mapGoogle Mapsmapmappingmaps

WP Open Street Map
By Manu225

Create easily maps with OpenStreetMap. Here some examples

Contributors & Developers
“WP Open Street Map” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

meta: Version:1.07 Last updated:3 weeks ago Active installations:800+ WordPress Version:3.5 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1

Map Plugin alternative to Google Maps using MapQuest, with directions
By Fullworks


Google Maps has been changing to a paid for model and now many website owners are looking for alternative plugins that do the same job.

The pricing model for Google Maps requires an active billing account, which gets a credit per month of $200 ( at the time of writing ), which in theory gives you 28,500
dynamic maps, but beware the charge is per API call not per map transaction and that can easily be used up with substantial over runs and unexpected charges.

Many are looking for OpenStreetMap solutions, OpenStreetMaps doesn’t have a directions module. MapQuest is one service that provides a directions / routiong module on top of an OpenStreetMap solution.

The MapQuest service is free for up to 15,000 map transactions per month, which is sufficient for many websites, visit the MapQuest developer website for pricing plans.
( this plugin has no commercial association with Mapquest). A couple of advantages MapQuest has over Google, you don’t have to lodge a credit card so you won’t accidentally
get a massive bill for overage,
map transactions are generally less numerous than API calls, so whilst 15,000 may seem less than 28,0000 you should find the realities different,
and finally, if you do need decide to pay for mapquest, it works out at closer to $3 per thousand compared to Google’s $7 per thousand.

This is a map display and routing plugin that uses MapQuest.

A fantastic way of showing your business location and for your users to get travel directions to you.
See a demo site here

meta: Version:2.15.5 Last updated:4 months ago Active installations:500+ WordPress Version:3.4 or higher Tested up to:5.4.2 PHP Version:5.6 or higher Tags:directionsmapsresponsive map

Out of the Block: OpenStreetMap
By gsarig

A map block for Gutenberg which uses OpenStreetMap and Leaflet.js. It needs no API keys and works out of the box (or, out of the Block, if you prefer). Benefiting from Gutenberg’s potential, the plugin tries a different take on how to add your locations on the map and rethinks a few things, UX-wise.

Instead of manually adding coordinates for each one of your markers, just click-and-drop them directly on the map. You want to adjust their position? Just drag them wherever you want. And instead of filling-in custom fields to set each marker’s popup content, just open that popup and start writing in it, the Gutenberg way (it supports WYSIWYG editing, with links, images, and all). It even stores the map’s zoom level as you use it so that you don’t have to set it by hand.

meta: Version:1.1 Last updated:4 days ago Active installations:Fewer than 10 WordPress Version:5.0 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1 PHP Version:7.2 or higher Tags:leafletmapmapsopen street mapsopenstreetmap
Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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Re: WordPress 5.4 - release to the world - tons of new featu

Postby unleash_it » 26. September 2020 18:36

Leaflet Maps Maker
Leaflet Maps Marker (Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps) By MapsMarker.com e.U.
META: Version:3.12.3 Last updated:6 months ago Active installations:20,000+ WordPress Version:3.3 or higher Tested up to:5.4.2 PHP Version:5.3 or higher Languages:See all 19
We are working hard on delivering the best mapping solution available – helping you to share your favorite spots and tracks.
Display locations and directions on your WordPress site. Organize customized icons in tidy layers on a variety of maps and even in augmented reality browsers. Leaflet Maps Marker is your individual Geo-CMS that features highest security standards and a moral code.

With Leaflet Maps Marker, you can

pin your favorites places with markers,
search for locations by using keyless geocoding providers like MapZen Search, Algolia Places or Photon@MapsMarker (optional: use the geocoding providers MapQuest Geocoding or Google Places with mandatory API key registration),
show directions for your locations,
choose from over 1000 free, customizable icons from Maps Icons Collection,
add popup description text or images for each marker,
organize your markers in layers,
choose an individual basemap, size and zoom level for each marker and layer map

ACF OpenStreetMap Field By Jörn Lund
Hazzle free OpenStreetMap with ACF.
Return Format:
Raw data will return an array holding the field configuration.
Leaflet JS will return a fully functional leaflet map. Just include <?php the_field('my_field_name'); ?> in your Theme.
You can choose from a long list of map styles and it supports multiple markers.
iFrame (OpenStreetMap.org) Will return an iFrame HTML. Only four map styles are supported
– the ones you find on OpenStreetMap – and not more than one marker.
Map Appearance: Pan and zoom on the map and select from the Map layers to set the initial map position and style in the editor.
Map Position: If you’re more like a numbers person here you can enter numeric values for the map position.
Allow layer selection: Allow the editors to select which map layers to show up in the frontend.
Height: Map height in the frontend and editor.
Max. number of Markers
– No value: infinite markers
– 0: No markers
– Any other value: Maximum number of markers. If the return format is iFrame there can ony be one marker
META: Version:1.2.2 Last updated:4 weeks ago Active installations:2,000+ WordPress Version:4.8 or higher Tested up to:5.5.1 PHP Version:5.6 or higher
Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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Posts: 818
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