WP-Twenty-twenty: the new standard-theme: a dive into this

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WP-Twenty-twenty: the new standard-theme: a dive into this

Postby unleash_it » 26. January 2020 12:08

dear-apachefriends, dear mods, users and supporter,

the topic of today: WP-Twenty-twenty: the new standard-theme: a dive into this

this is a a dive into the new WordPress Twenty Twenty Theme: this text is all about the new WordPress default theme twenty twenty
that will guide you to know what can be done with it: i hope that it might be useful for some of you

see the introduction into the theme: https://themes.getmotopress.com/2020/#_ ... 1579986317
and this one here: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09 ... ty-twenty/

the theme-homepage: https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwenty/

the theme-support-forum: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/twentytwenty
with user2user interaction, support and idea exchange.

Twenty Twenty WordPress Theme Demo

Twenty Twenty WordPress Theme Overview | The best default theme

wordpress-a first view on chaplinm

the developer at wordpress mentione about the new theme:

cf. https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwenty/
Our default theme for 2020 is designed to take full advantage of the flexibility of the block editor. Organizations and businesses have the ability to create dynamic landing pages with endless layouts using the group and column blocks. The centered content column and fine-tuned typography also makes it perfect for traditional blogs. Complete editor styles give you a good idea of what your content will look like, even before you publish. You can give your site a personal touch by changing the background colors and the accent color in the Customizer. The colors of all elements on your site are automatically calculated based on the colors you pick, ensuring a high, accessible color contrast for your visitors.

cf https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09 ... ty-twenty/
Twenty Twenty is designed with flexibility at its core. If you want to use it for an organization or a business, you can combine columns, groups, and media with wide and full alignments to create dynamic layouts to show off your services or products. If you want to use it for a traditional blog, the centered content column makes it perfect for that as well. As befits a theme called Twenty Twenty, clarity and readability is also a big focus. To that end, the theme will include the typeface Inter, designed by Rasmus Andersson. The tall x-height of Inter makes it highly legible in the smallest of font sizes, and provides a strong personality when used in big headings.
Inter comes in a Variable Font version, a first for default themes, which contains all weights and styles of Inter in just two font files. In modern browsers, this will help keep the number of requests and the page size down. Older browsers will fall back to loading each weight as a separate file. Running text will be set in a stack of serif system fonts to keep load times short and data caps distant.
Twenty Twenty will include full support for the Block Editor, as well as editor styles that make sure the editing experience matches the end result.
In order to speed up development, Twenty Twenty will be based on the WordPress theme Chaplin, which was released on the WordPress.org theme directory earlier .

cf https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09 ... ty-twenty/
some of the Twenty Twenty’s Theme Features Twenty Twenty is not a fully-featured WordPress theme, but it is a so called strimmed-down and minimal theme aiming to give developers and site admins the freedom to build custom content layouts for their posts and pages. very similar to the Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Twenty has been build for Gutenberg and mostly depends on Gutenberg’s life cycle

https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/ Welcome to the Block Editor
In the WordPress editor, each paragraph, image, or video is presented as a distinct “block” of content

https://testgutenberg.com/ - a geat test area

back to the theme twentytwenty: i have to admit: one of the biggest feature of the Twenty Twenty WordPress theme is how offers you the full advantage of the flexibility of the WordPress block editor (this is far better known as the so called Gutenberg Editor). the appearance of the twentytwenty can be seen as a extended commitment by the WordPress team to keep improving the Gutenberg-based-block editor.

Features: The theme supports a number of theme features, such as wide and full-width alignments,
and besides this content width, automatic feed links, custom logo and background, post thumbnails, title tag, and several great HTML5 elements ( the great gallery, comment-list, search form, comment form and caption). besides them i also like the post thumbnails, title tags, customizable fonts, automatic feed links, the commenting form, two footer widgets, and some others and not to forget the great five customizable menu locations,

Other features add options to the Theme Customizer. These include custom backgrounds and custom logo. The code snippets below show these features enabled in the theme’s functions file: In-Page/Post Previews: a overwhelming feature In Twenty Twenty, complete editor styles give us a good idea of what the content will look like, even if it is not publish yet. The theme is using the in-page/post editor to preview blocks as the site-owner composes a post or page so he is - with that feature - just able to generate the final front-end look.

Code: Select all
// Custom background color
      'default-color'   => 'F5EFE0'

but there is more in it: twenty Twenty also supports some of the great Gutenberg’s specific features.
First, the theme supports wide and full-width alignments:

Code: Select all
// here at this stage we can just add the support for full and wide align of the images.
add_theme_support( 'align-wide' );

note: The editor color palette is just enabled : this is done by the user setup of the accent color in the Customizer (which is just enabled by default):

Code: Select all
// If we have accent colors, then all goes well - we just have to add them to the block editor palette
if ( $editor_color_palette ) {
   add_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette', $editor_color_palette );

and here a plugin that might help to customize: https://wordpress.org/plugins/twentig/

Twentig – Customize Twenty Twenty

Customize your Twenty Twenty theme with Twentig advanced settings.

Custom page templates (remove title, header & footer) to build the entire page the way you want
Custom copyright and remove “Powered by WordPress”
Page subtitle
Sans-serif body text font
Title (H1) font size
Custom blog layout
Post options (excerpt length, continue reading, featured image)
Post meta options (top category, date, categories, author, date, comment link, tags) for posts page and single post
Custom logo for transparent header
Cover height
Vertically centered cover title
Header width
Menu link color
Custom hamburger icon
Custom search results layout
Separator style
Button style
Social icons style
And more

More ideas to customize the twentytwenty-theme:

How to edit a post meta data in a Gutenberg Block? https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/que ... block?rq=1

the theme-homepage: https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwenty/

the theme-support-forum: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/twentytwenty
with user2user interaction, support and idea exchange.

conclusio: this text is all about the new WordPress default theme twenty twenty that will guide you to know what can be done with it: i hope that it might be useful for some of you.

btw: just spread the word ...
Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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Re: WP-Twenty-twenty: the new standard-theme: a dive into th

Postby Nobbie » 29. January 2020 16:07

Ich habe auch mal eine Frage:

anscheinend bist Du ja ein Deutscher, zumindest schreibst Du fehlerfrei Deutsch. Wieso fragst Du hier, in einem deutschen Forum, in einem deutschen Subforum "Allerlei" (das ist ein deutsches Wort, auch die Beschreibung ist komplett auf Deutsch) auf Englisch? Wobei es ja sogar ein englisches Subforum gäbe? Warum schreibst Du hier nicht auf Deutsch? Du musst Dich nicht für Deine Muttersprache schämen, falls es das sein sollte. Ich finde es ehrlich schräg, dass hier offensichtlich nur Deutsche verkehren, in einem deutschen Forum und als Deutsche miteinander auf Englisch schreiben. Hä?!
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Re: WP-Twenty-twenty: the new standard-theme: a dive into th

Postby unleash_it » 30. January 2020 21:49

moin Nobbie,

anscheinend bist Du ja ein Deutscher, zumindest schreibst Du fehlerfrei Deutsch. Wieso fragst Du hier, in einem deutschen Forum, in einem deutschen Subforum "Allerlei" (das ist ein deutsches Wort, auch die Beschreibung ist komplett auf Deutsch) auf Englisch? Wobei es ja sogar ein englisches Subforum gäbe? Warum schreibst Du hier nicht auf Deutsch? Du musst Dich nicht für Deine Muttersprache schämen, falls es das sein sollte. Ich finde es ehrlich schräg, dass hier offensichtlich nur Deutsche verkehren, in einem deutschen Forum und als Deutsche miteinander auf Englisch schreiben. Hä?!

jupp bin Deutscher - und denke dass es auch deutlich wurde dass ich WP-Fan bin. Ja ich kann auch auf deutsch schreiben - kein Problem.

Nebenbei bemerkt: Meine Texte sind schon auch etwas speziell - dieser hier ist ja im Grunde keine Support-Anfrage oder ähnliches. Er ist im Grunde ein Text zu WP - ja eine Zusammenstellung um e in paar Dinge von WP anderen weiterzugeben. Dinge die ich mir selber gerade " erarbeitet " , angelesen oder mich sonstwie beschäftigt haben.

Darüber hinaus: Ich denke dass hier relativ viele Worpress-User sich tummeln - das kann man ggf. auch an dem relativ großen Interesse an dem WP-Thread weiter unten hier in "Allerlei" sehen. fast schon 20 TSD Aufrufe und das wird wohl noch nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange sein.

Meine Motivation: ich denke dass dies ein kl. Beitrag ist um WordPress zu unterstützen ... Wie neulich im Wordpress-Thread bereits angedeutet bin ich hier sicher auch beeinflusst und inspiriert von der OSS-Forschung - und davon, wie OSS-Projekte "arbeiten", "funktionieren" und sich "nachhaltig entwicklen".

vgl. zum gesamten Zusammenhang v.a. hier sic: https://flosshub.org/biblio -

und zur Idee - hier als Tech-Evangelist bestimmte Systeme zu unterstützen etwa hier: "i think that open source development does just need this: cf Andrea Hemetsberger "Who is spreading the word? The influence of extraversion and openness on consumer passion and evangelism," Proceedings of the AMA winter educator's conference, 2007, San Diego, forthcoming. cf: https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... evangelism

Idee: warum nicht ein WP-Unterforum hier einrichten. - ist nur so eine Idee.

Interessen: Bikes & steel frames: Linux & SBC https://www.allaboutcircuits.com :: die neuen Knowledge-Base: AFFiNE: There can be more than Notion and Miro. auf affine.pro :: WordPress Entwicklung - sic: make.wordpress.org/core/
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