ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE – on a surey-script after it worked well

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ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE – on a surey-script after it worked well

Postby unleash_it » 20. November 2019 13:40

dear community, good day dear friends, 

have a issue - on a webserver i have two installations - 

a. wordpress
b. limesurvey (see

i get the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE - on a surey-script - cf ... n/sa/login

it happens especially in chrome - not so often in FireFox 

Sometimes I was able to access the webadmin section without an issue.  i have  installed LimeSurvey under a folder inside my wordpress installation - i have gotten get all kind of issues over the time.

- MyDomain.TLD/limesurvey/ (LimeSurvey)
- MyDomain.TLD/ (Wordpress)

LimeSurvey and Wordpress tell the server to rewrite URLs for the browser. In my setup Wordpress will overrule certain settings of LimeSurvey. well i guess that i  would need to check every change and update manually the htaccess file (note; i am running apache). To minimize work and trouble, i can install wordpress and limesurvey side by side. then i need to redirect from YourDomain.TLD/ -> YourDomain.TLD/wordpress/, but i have clean folders and don't cause delays and loops when it comes to URL accessing. 

to be frank - guess that i need a clever htacess-solution. I need some htaccess-investigations

well i just could use /w/ for wordpress and /s/ for limesurvey will keep the URL short.

question: are there further options i have to solve the issue with 

look forward to hear from you
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Re: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE – on a surey-script after it worked w

Postby unleash_it » 20. November 2019 16:05

good day dear experts,

well - i have to try to find any php errors? E.g. in the webserver log or watchdog? Without any error there is nothing we can do about it.

i can imaginge that i have to do with the htaccess rules. At this point I see that i have to take care for the .htaccess-file

for the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE and its relationship to google-chrome: cf ... 7-1&ia=web

well i need to figure out what goes on here

any ideas - you are wellcome
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Re: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE – on a surey-script after it worked w

Postby unleash_it » 20. November 2019 22:25

i will have a closer look at the system and if have conflicting htaccess rules then i will need to install them next to each other instead of one under the other one.

well i need to get more information about errors, so i need to find Apache's error log and PHP's error log.

tomorrow i will have a closer look at the error-logs and the Apache-logs

i will come back here and report the findings
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