Oswald are you still there :D

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Oswald are you still there :D

Postby Repute » 24. April 2003 08:11

Hi Oswald,

Why does my postnuke site running on redhat 9 and LAMPP 09a send no emails coase my phpBB board does this perfectly?

Greets Repute...
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Postby Oswald » 02. May 2003 11:59

Dear Repute!!

I was two weeks on holiday and just returned yesterday back to Germany.

I just installed Postnuke 0.723 with LAMPP 0.9.9a without any special configuration. I send me an email by Administration and Mail users. It worked perfectly.

Does this also didn't work on your installation?

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Great your back :D

Postby Repute » 02. May 2003 12:23

How was your holiday! wel great i supose :D

Yes the mailings work also for me but when someone whants to create an account they dont get a email with there password and info thats the problem... :oops:

Greets repute
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Postby Oswald » 02. May 2003 12:38

Dear Repute!

Yes it was great. Thanks! ;)

Did you set an valid email address for your Postnuke admin? Administration -> Settings -> Administrator e-mail:. By default there is none@none.com set and you must(!) enter an valid email address. Otherwise it won't work. In my installation it doesn't work before I set this to an real address.

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