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XAMPP for Linux on Synology DiskStation 216+II

PostPosted: 29. April 2022 22:31
by frankfenderbender2

I am charting out some procedural steps to get Apache_v2.4, XAMPP_v8.1.5, PHP_v8, and Tomcat_v7 into running together on/with my Synology DS216+ii, which is running Linux_v3.10.105.

With scant in-depth Synology documentation/examples, this is being done using
    (1) my hopefully-still-functioning experiential instincts,
    (2) the ability to extrapolate from many detail-short directions (shared with the utmost of good intentions) found online, and best of all,
    (3) from "live" forum members -- near and far, past and present -- who've tackled the (1) and (2) above, and persevered to "share the tale" of "what was gleaned from above/within any madness".

I definitely appreciate the chance to learn from you all, and to share what may be interpreted by any as "useful" if asked.

This is just my announcement of a task set which others may have tackled or are wanting to start as well. Perhaps we can colloborate and share successes as well as the always-useful "failure".

So, thanks ahead-of-time, to all pondering and responding alike....

Re: XAMPP for Linux on Synology DiskStation 216+II

PostPosted: 29. April 2022 23:29
by frankfenderbender2
Received a note from moderator regarding posting rules. It is uncertain (to me) if I am to reply to the moderator as to how to better post reply (meaning that I am out of step with those posting rules), or whether it's a confirmation of the rules that does not require more from me. Since I sought with a forum search all Synology-related posts and found none, I can only guess that all is okay. My goal in stating what I am going to do is a sharing gesture, a notification for a topic that can generate shared work/interests, and an attempt to prune redundant efforts - by me and/or others - by working together. I run an SMF forum myself. To me, a forum has sharing, asking, answering. That varies. Any (more specific installation and configuration) questions will come after I try them, i.e., after I run into issues with the procedural steps I shall soon be sharing before doing each (like an ISO-9001 design/functional specification document).

I hope that this meets the posting requirements, which after reading, I am confident they do. Nonetheless, please define explicitly (as the message to me may have been a first-post automated reply?) if they do not, so I can modify it to share, learn, and collaborate better. As former QA engineer, I respect standards and will adapt my steps/form/level accordingly. Thanks again for the forum and for access to all of the members therein.

best wishes,

Re: XAMPP for Linux on Synology DiskStation 216+II

PostPosted: 30. April 2022 07:23
by Altrea

frankfenderbender2 wrote:Received a note from moderator regarding posting rules. It is uncertain (to me) if I am to reply to the moderator as to how to better post reply (meaning that I am out of step with those posting rules), or whether it's a confirmation of the rules that does not require more from me.

Our Forum is in moderated mode for new users. This is independend from the post content. This is because we are only a small community forum and want to reduce spam to a minimum. No actions needed from your side.

Re: XAMPP for Linux on Synology DiskStation 216+II

PostPosted: 30. April 2022 08:43
by Nobbie
Synology already provides packages like Webstation, Apache, PHP, MYSQL, easily to install with a few clicks. What is the idea to install another stack like Xampp, which does not offer more functionality and is not supported by Synology Admin GUI?