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Can't run Apache Server after installation

PostPosted: 31. August 2021 12:29
by otnielandi
I have install Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS x64 with XAMPP version 7.4.22-0, last install i can run it normally but after fresh install on new SSD i face problem that the APACHE SERVER can't run so i can't open localhost/phpmyadmin. Its shown error like bellow but i can run MySQL Database and profTPD normally with green indicator icon. When i open the error.log and access.log it's shown nothing so i'm confused, i have try change port to 8080 but the APACHE SERVER still does'nt seem to work normally. i need help i can't find the answer or if anyone known please tell me. thanks
this screenshoot from my XAMPP

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/YEAzq36" data-context="false" ><a href=""></a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Re: Can't run Apache Server after installation

PostPosted: 31. August 2021 18:02
by Nobbie
I cannot see any information from that screen. Please reboot your PC and after try to start Xampp via Terminal (not the GUI interface).

Enter the following command in a terminal (see also the FAQ for this):

Code: Select all
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

and show us the output.

Re: Can't run Apache Server after installation

PostPosted: 01. September 2021 06:28
by otnielandi
Nobbie wrote:I cannot see any information from that screen. Please reboot your PC and after try to start Xampp via Terminal (not the GUI interface).

Enter the following command in a terminal (see also the FAQ for this):

Code: Select all
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

and show us the output.

This is the new image

Thank you it's succesfully run without GUI, hope after this xampp apache can run normally without configuration.
Other problem i face is after i can access the localhost/phpmyadmin it's shown red on this quote
The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. Find out why.
Or alternately go to 'Operations' tab of any database to set it up there.

does it matter for performance or it's normally because i haven't start database. thanks

Re: Can't run Apache Server after installation

PostPosted: 01. September 2021 12:39
by Nobbie
otnielandi wrote:does it matter for performance or it's normally because i haven't start database. thanks

Neither, nor.

It does not matter for the performance of your PHP Scripts, but it matters for PhpMyAdmin (which is a graphical tool for Database access), some PhpMyAdmin functionality might not work. I dont miss that, but if you are unsure, read carefully what PhpMyAdmin tells you, there is missing some configuration setup in the file (the config file for PhpMyAdmin). PhpMyAdmin is a nice tool, but normally you dont need it for your own PHP scripts.