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Apache with PHP-FPM - Manipulate Request-URI

PostPosted: 13. March 2020 12:44
by petiz

im looking for a way to remove a string from the REQUEST_URI in the Vhost-Configuration when the URI matches a specific pattern, for example:

Code: Select all
<LocationMatch "/en*">
   SetEnv Request_URI "New Request-Uri without /en"

<FilesMatch \.php$>
   SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/"

This code does not work (of course).
I just want to explain what i need:

My goal is, that when the URI matches an "/en" at the beginning of the URI, the new REQUEST_URI which PHP-FPM uses is without the "/en" at the Beginning of the Request-Uri.

Thanks for your help in advance :)