installing anaconda on my linux -box

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installing anaconda on my linux -box

Postby unleash » 26. August 2019 23:30

hello dear community, good day

well - this thread comes with some questions regarding the installation of python on a linux box - with Jupiter...

so i guess that this is more for learning purpose. Say I would like to install Anaconda on my linux-box.
the open-source Anaconda Distribution is the easiest way to perform Python/R data science and machine learning on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. With over 15 million users worldwide, it is the industry standard for developing, testing, and training on a single machine, enabling individual data scientists to:
Quickly download 1,500+ Python/R data science packages
Manage libraries, dependencies, and environments with Conda
Develop and train machine learning and deep learning models with scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Theano
Analyze data with scalability and performance with Dask, NumPy, pandas, and Numba
Visualize results with Matplotlib, Bokeh, Datashader, and Holoviews

Looks like they are using their own installer.
You download Anaconda 3xyz - file then you need to run in terminal this:
bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda3xyz
Anaconda comes with it's own version of Python (3.xy) and as far as I understand it uses it in a way not to interfere (or in theory it shouldn't) with the Python already installed on the system (Python 3.xy in case of MX).

Anyway, what are suggestions/recommendations/experiences?
Did anyone already install Anaconda on a linux box?
Posts: 147
Joined: 03. December 2011 10:16
Operating System: OpenSuse Linux 12.1

Re: installing anaconda on my linux -box

Postby Nobbie » 27. August 2019 00:21

Never seen before.
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