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Regarding webmin-0.2.tar.gz

PostPosted: 20. September 2004 01:11
by dev_car
I have installed the latest xampp for linux 1.4.7 on libranet linux.

Both are working fine, But -

I will need WEBMIN to handle the admin side of everything, if I want to have any hours of the day left for other work like website design, data input etc!

So -
1. Does the add-on webmin-0.2.tar.gz for xampp-1.4.4 also install error free to the latest version of xampp I'm using- xampp-1.4.7?
2. Does an English translation of the document "lampp-addon-webmin.pdf" exist?

Any other suggestions/help with getting WEBMIN up and running would be very much appreciated.
Devon Carter

PostPosted: 20. September 2004 08:15
by Kristian Marcroft

an rather old Version I never really released: ... 0.3.tar.gz

Should work with all XAMPPs.
Just upgrade/update to the recent Webmin by using the Webmin internal Update/Upgrade function.

So long