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How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 19. June 2016 23:30
by rustyp
I cant attach a screen capture so I will describe what I am looking for best I can.

When you install XAMMP and the installer completes you get a webpage (localhost/dashboard/index.html) and another box what I will call a launcher where you can launch or start and stop the servers, I type XAMMP in the search box in the start menu and it returns nothing, no icons on the desktop I assume their is a way to bring the launcher back could not find anything in the FAQ.

I closed the 'Launcher' and now want to restart.


Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 20. June 2016 11:42
by Nobbie
rustyp wrote: could not find anything in the FAQ.

Are you blind? Read again and carefully read the 3.rd Question "How do i start Xampp?". Or simply read my quote from that FAQ:

Also, note that there is a graphical tool that you can use to manage your servers easily. You can start this tool with the following commands:

Code: Select all
cd /opt/lampp
sudo ./ (or

Why couldn't you find "anything"?

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 20. June 2016 15:13
by rustyp
Nobbie wrote:
rustyp wrote: could not find anything in the FAQ.

Are you blind? Read again and carefully read the 3.rd Question "How do i start Xampp?". Or simply read my quote from that FAQ:

Also, note that there is a graphical tool that you can use to manage your servers easily. You can start this tool with the following commands:

Code: Select all
cd /opt/lampp
sudo ./ (or

Why couldn't you find "anything"?

I am sorry I was looking for the commonsensical efficient method to start a program I never in my wildest dreams thought someone would create a program where to start you had to do anything but click on a icon on the menu or desktop. You do know the explosion of the desktop PC market happen when the GUI was introduced and the desktop became icons you click on and the little black box you type in was no longer used, FACT is dozens are billionaires and thousands are millionaires because the little black command box went away.

SO is their any way to create a icon on my desktop to start the program?

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 20. June 2016 15:34
by rustyp
Nobbie wrote:
rustyp wrote: could not find anything in the FAQ.

Are you blind? Read again and carefully read the 3.rd Question "How do i start Xampp?". Or simply read my quote from that FAQ:

Also, note that there is a graphical tool that you can use to manage your servers easily. You can start this tool with the following commands:

Code: Select all
cd /opt/lampp
sudo ./ (or

Why couldn't you find "anything"?

Your code gives the following error.
Code: Select all
 ~ $ cd /opt/lampp
 /opt/lampp $ sudo ./ (or
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
 /opt/lampp $

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 20. June 2016 16:06
by rustyp

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 20. June 2016 21:39
by Nobbie
rustyp wrote:Your code gives the following error.

No its not my code. It is one of two "solutions" and of course i immediately saw what you did wrong, but due to your extremely bigheaded answer, i decided to give up here. Good luck.

rustyp wrote:SO is their any way to create a icon on my desktop to start the program?

Of course, but your totally missing skills hinders you from finding the (simple) appropriate solution. Your "knowledge" does not match your arrogance.

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 21. June 2016 01:18
by rustyp
Not a problem you keep your answers to yourself I am pretty sure the root cause of the problems is someone needing to ask the questions in the first place but you can not see this.

By design XAMMP generates too many questions, I think the author ASSumes all users has been to the XAMMP college and expects all users to be born with the knowledge, I uninstalled XAMPP I can see now XAMPP has no tech support and appears to be very a very primitive unintuitive design.

I strongly suggest the author download Uniserver to get an idea of a efficient, commonsensical and intuitive design even the documentation is 100% better than found with XAMPP.

I will continue to dual boot into windows and use the far superior Uniserver since the linux group has nothing ready for prime time, if you look closely at the detail in Uniserver you will understand..

I wish the author good luck with XAMMP they have your work cut out for you.

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 21. June 2016 10:49
by Nobbie
rustyp wrote:By design XAMMP generates too many questions,

"By design" Xampp is NOT a tool or a software, Xampp is simply a distribution. It installs Apache, MySQL, PHP and some FTP tools. That is the basic software you need to run a webserver. Nothing else. It is you, that does not have any skills about webservers.

rustyp wrote:if you look closely at the detail in Uniserver you will understand..

It is a simple Windows based installation with some boring GUIs, that does not help you when it comes to configuration and runtime problems. This is your problem, you have no idea about Apache, MySQL etc. and some colorfull but useless Windows with some nice buttons will not change that. You dont know anything about Linux, about Webservers etc. and this the real problem you have. "Uniserver" may give you the impression, that all this is only another simple toy, but that is far from the truth, a webserver is a quite complex piece of software and you cannot handle it with a few clicks on some icons.

Therefore, it is just vice verse: you will see, that you havent any clue about Apache und "Uniserver" wont change anything. The "many questions" will remain (most of them will come later on). Las not least, of course you may trash Xampp and run Uniserver instead, i am not a Xampp member, I am simple User and it does not matter anything to me, if you decide to run a different package than Xampp, do it. Even i do so, i prefer running Apache directly out of the Linux repositories.

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 28. June 2016 03:43
by rustyp
You forgot to add that your also an ass but I guess others find that obvious, your clueless about Uniserver your above comments prove this.

Easy to see why XAMPP flounders its flaws is people like yourself..

BTW I ran a web-server from home successfully for 8 years and built it not using ANY installer like Uniserver or XAMPP on a windows machine, one of my forums members owns a hosting company and now host my website for free. I use Uniserver as a tool to continue to develop my sites, its portable can run it on any windows machine I decide to plug my thumb drive into and work on my websites its stupid trying to carry my old 40 pound dual XEON web-server when I am on the road to work on my website .

Hopefully you feel better playing internet bully, beating down a total stranger for no real reason other than some kind of psychological small man syndrome, good luck in your little world. .

Re: How Do I Start The Launcher Thingie?

PostPosted: 28. June 2016 10:34
by Nobbie
A fool with a tool remains a fool.