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[BUG] httpd crashes systematically at system startup

PostPosted: 15. April 2016 23:03
by teo8976
(Seriously guys, don't you have a public bug tracker?? Do I really have to post this in a f***ing forum?)

It's been ages since I installed Xampp on Ubuntu. I don't even remember what version of Ubuntu it was back then, but I've been upgrading it (ubuntu) and now it's 15.10.

Starting from recently, every single time I boot my Ubuntu system, I get a system error message telling me that httpd has crashed.

- WTF, how comes it has started crashing now? I haven't upgraded it or anything
- WTFF, it is not even supposed to be running at startup in the first place, given that I haven't launched it.

When I manually start lampp with
Code: Select all
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
everything works fine.

Does anybody know the root cause and a workaround for this annoying bug? And what pisses me off the most, why does httpd even attempt to run at startup??

P.S. I would be happy to upgrade xampp, if only it was an ubuntu package and/or if there was an easy way to upgrade without having to backup, wipe out, and restore every damn thing (virtual hosts, databases,...)

Re: [BUG] httpd crashes systematically at system startup

PostPosted: 16. April 2016 00:22
by teo8976
Seriously I can't attach a file to a post???

Re: [BUG] httpd crashes systematically at system startup

PostPosted: 16. April 2016 00:44
by Altrea
seriously, if you are that much unhappy with XAMPP, it's bug reporting and community board system, why do you use it?
Why don't you simply use the Apache provided by the Ubuntu package manager?

Re: [BUG] httpd crashes systematically at system startup

PostPosted: 19. April 2016 10:14
by Nobbie
teo8976 wrote:And what pisses me off the most, why does httpd even attempt to run at startup??

Because you (and nobody else!) configured your Linux to do so. Xampp does NOT install as an service or similar, even more, there is no installation option to start httpd on system start up. You either have done this by yourself (maybe years ago and simply forgot about that) or you already installed httpd (apache) from the Ubuntu Repositorys and now have an unclean mix of several httpd installations.

Anyway, you have to piss yourself.