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Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 24. January 2016 08:05
by Yunnimun
PC: Toshiba Satellite U840W-F747; 10 gig ram; 1.7GHz CPU
XAMPP: 5.6.15-1
OS: Xubuntu 14.04.3

I have a fresh install of Xubuntu and xampp, no Skype or any IM, just Firefox.
I tried to run ampps and webuzo, and neither worked, so I removed them.
I am a complete noob when it comes to linux and xampps.

The terminal tells me that the reason for failure to start is that:
Another web server is already running.(Apache)
Another FTP daemon is already running.

Terminal infro:
Code: Select all
jan@jan-Satellite-U840W-F747:~$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
[sudo] password for jan:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 5.6.15-1...
XAMPP: Starting
XAMPP:  Another web server is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.
XAMPP: Starting
XAMPP:  Another FTP daemon is already running.

Log report:
Code: Select all
Starting MySQL Database...
Starting Apache Web Server...
/opt/lampp/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting Apache Web Server...
/opt/lampp/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting Apache Web Server...
/opt/lampp/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Stopping all servers...

Starting Apache Web Server...
/opt/lampp/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting Apache Web Server...
/opt/lampp/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started
Starting all servers...
Starting MySQL Database...

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 24. January 2016 08:45
by Yunnimun
I have some extra info:

Under '/usr/local/apps/' there are the following folders:

I think it is system files that came with my xubuntu installation but I am not sure.

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 24. January 2016 12:00
by Nobbie
Yunnimun wrote:The terminal tells me that the reason for failure to start is that:
Another web server is already running.(Apache)
Another FTP daemon is already running.

Exactly. And there is also a MySQL version installed on your Xubuntu (according to your listing of /usr/local/apps). As well Perl and PHP. So either deinstall all these pre-installed tools (you have to do so with the help of the Ubuntu Software Center) or deinstall Xampp (simply remove /opt/lampp completely), as you dont need it. You can run only one server environment.

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 24. January 2016 12:14
by Yunnimun
Okay... Thanks... Problem is, I can't find these applications under the software centre and I don't know how to use them. That is why I needed XAMPP. How do I use them or delete them?

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 24. January 2016 14:21
by Nobbie
Yunnimun wrote:How do I use them or delete them?

I would start the software center and enter "apache" (or mysql etc.) in the search box. In my Linux Mint it would show up as "Installed" and i would click "Uninstall/DeInstall" or similar. Any further questions ask in a Xubuntu forum.

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 02. February 2016 16:26
by Jukkata
I have a very similar problem. My OS is Lubuntu. When I start XAMPP I receive this message in terminal:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 5.5.24-0...
XAMPP: Starting
XAMPP: Another web server is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.

I think that I've installed lampp for 2 times and this is the problem, but how to fix it? I deleted XAMPP & installed it once more, but all the same.
Please, help!

Re: Apache and ProFTPD won't start

PostPosted: 02. February 2016 18:48
by Nobbie
Everything is already said in this thread. Either delete Xampp or the Software from your Lubuntu installation.

Jukkata wrote:I deleted XAMPP & installed it once more, but all the same.

Yes of course, it is useless to install it again. Delete Xampp or keep Xampp. If you want to keep it, delete Apache from Lubuntu (but again, this i already told above).